PS3 Online Match Up Thread

add me too LeftArmFast on PSN.

Was wondering if anyone knows of confirmed quitters who are high in the rankings.
Add to that list PC_Rocks
Had really good matches with him and he is from North America so 0 lag
add me too LeftArmFast on PSN.

Was wondering if anyone knows of confirmed quitters who are high in the rankings.

Shaunylad2k is 5th in T20 rankings, but he will quit if he is loosing most times, he did so in the last 2 games i played him, in the most recent game he got off to a good start, but crashed to something like 90 odd for 7 and then he quit.

Deffo one to be added to my quitters list.
yeah anytime mate.. just mesg me here or on ps3. I am usually online between 8 to 10pm EST

Yeh deffo will add you soon, theres some time differences between us as im from UK but surely will cross roads soon enough.
On right now, will wait 20 minutes before I play a random, just reply here or PM me if you want a match

PSN: LeftArmFast
Not sure I ever put my PSN in this thread (or even if I have space on my PSN at moment) - but this is me: E-N-I-G-M-A

And tis funny, I see JEC1994 mentioned previously by Fazzy. I played him about 2 days ago, he batted first and was going well considering... then around the 12-14 over mark he quit, I was shocked as he was by far the best random I'd found for a long time and wasn't playing rash shots and a good match was developing.... so I msg'd him asking what happened - no reply so put him on my quit list.

Then yesterday I get a msg back from him, seems his dad got upset and turned off his PS3 on him :facepalm.... made me giggle a bit and took him off my quit list since he replied. But still had some reservations about playing him again.... but seeing his name here listed as ok by fazzy, I'll play him again should we run into each other again.

Anyway back on topic, if you try to add me but my PSN is full, just msg me so I can clear some... I created a new account for CoD and other games, so just need to remove some old names now to make room for cricket friends.

Oh and PS: From Australia... if you're not, expect a little lag if you play me sorry, but I don't bowl cheap 100% yorkers or real wide to take advantage of lag, so still give me a go :)

hi, i'm in NZ so lag may be less of a problem. mostly play late afternoons NZtime. PSN id is batonage. keen to play someone who doesn't bowl yorkers and shift bowling cursor.
ChampPunk I'll look you up.

Anyone up for a good ol' Test Match this weekend, PM me, or message me on PSN ThandaMilk.
Feel free to add me to your friend list on PS3. My PSN is "cricket_online"
Carnt today mate, but will look out for you this time tommorow, and hopefully we can get a connection and finally play a game.

gougie added 17 Minutes and 19 Seconds later...

Any other players not on my friends list feel free to add me.

PSN- gougie
Game now?

Anyone up for a game right now - its 5PM Central and I somehow have an hour clear with nothing to do!

Gougie, mate saw you online on the forums and sent you a PM. Lemme know if you're up for a game.

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