Puddle Mafia 01 - Game over. Town wins.

Haha, after the last one, I may just start it with you lynched :p Although odds are in your favour that you're not mafia this time. I'll give the Aussies/later posters a chance to join and see what numbers we've got. Hopefully get to 9, otherwise will get it started with 7.
Right that's 7. If by tomorrow afternoon numbers haven't reached 9 (come on Sedition dude, get involved). I'll get it underway. I will be accompanying this game with a brief story that like I said, may be gibberish, and may be useful :p
Sedition in, so just the one more. The more reading I've done, the more tempted I am to change the setup to something a little adventurous, but I'm worried I'd get the balance badly wrong, so it's likely to be fairly straightfoward with a possible twist or two.
Do indeed, you make 9. I am going to sleep now, have some things to do duing the day tomorrow, and will be starting it tomorrow evening.
I don't mind how the setup looks. Ideally I'd like to know every role and just have like cop/doc, but it's more interesting to have roles unknown and a few obscurities mixed in.

One thing I've read, and I'm sure you have to, is that you should consider how you will resolve each role's actions, who takes priority etc. before the game, rather than trying to figure it out on the fly. Just something to remember before you make it too difficult :p
Great to see Mark back into playing mafia games. :)

Whoever's mafia, kill BKB night 1 and it will look like I did it.

Sure. Just replace BKB with yourself. If I'm mafia and you're not, you don't stand a chance of winning this one. ;)
Finally, you're starting to realize whose better among we two. ;)

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