Day 0
Everyone quiet now. Roles being sent out. Starting write up to follow, then you can post.
Day 0 dawns.
It had rained for weeks. Maybe it was months, but everyone was too wet to care. Located somewhere south of a Steinbeck novel and still housing the now decaying remains of an HBO contemporary crime set, rested the quiet and corrupt town of Duckton. Today, the town was waking from its slumber. The morale was low, hope was even scarcer, and when even the law are not to be trusted, one man thinks now is the time to seize power. Now is the time to squeeze Duckton between his fingers, to see the blood flow and his enemies removed. As he sits in the back office of his salami shop, he prepares to claim this town as his own.
How long had he been standing in this puddle? He wasn't sure, but he knew his feet were wet and he didn't have any more socks. Life was hard. Everything didn't make sense. The note on his desk that morning was an obvious warning. 'The Mafia are coming to claim this Town' it said. He didn't know who it was from, but it sent shivers down his spine. Maybe he was too old for this sh*t.
Sipping his coffee mechanically every 10 seconds he methodically dropped two spoonfuls of sugar in to his coffee. Look at that fool he thought to himself, he doesn't have a clue what he's doing. This town is mine.
It is now Day 0. With 9 players, it takes 5 to lynch. You will have 48 hours maximum for this first period, extensions can be requested to the day later in the game.