No Requests Quincy159's Downloads (Totally Retro): 1990's Bat and Equipment Sponsor Pack Released

Nah man thank you for taking time out to make it!! a beta would be awesome just to get more people interested in the forum. take all the time you need i cant wait im sure we can do with less colors for now.:thumbs
Combining colours is one area I haven't ventured in to yet (with the exception of using different shades of colours, whites and blacks)

Would be interesting to test it out though
Combining colours is one area I haven't ventured in to yet (with the exception of using different shades of colours, whites and blacks)

Would be interesting to test it out though

When I tried combining the colours it was merely to find a solution to the problem of having extra colours for the chevrons/arrows across the chest, back and arms of the 96 World Cup Kit. I believe it works well providing you have suitable base colours, if not, for example the New Zealand kit, the results are sub-standard.

Maybe we can get better results with also using different shades on top of combining colours?
Well without having tested it...does overlaying yellow and blue actually produce green, or does it just produce an odd brownish colour?
Ok, after some trial and error I am much closer to releasing a Beta Version of the 1996 World Cup kit and I expect to upload the kit and sponsor templates sometime tomorrow after some testing and team set ups.

In the meantime here are some screenshots of the Pakistan kit and again thank you 'Swisscheese' for the request.

You will see that I will also be releasing the rarely seen sleeveless sweater and long sleeve jumper with this kit. Found the pattern by accident whilst watching a documentary called "Cricket World Cup Tales" on Fox Sports and haven't been able to find a photo of it anywhere on the net. Thanks to Michael Bevan for wearing the sweater on a warm night in Lahore during the final? Sometimes you get lucky I suppose...

Pakistan 1996 CWC.jpg Pakistan 1996 CWC 3.jpg Pakistan 1996 CWC 2.jpg Pakistan 1996 CWC 4.jpg
Pakistan 1996 CWC 5.jpg Pakistan 1996 CWC 6.jpg
Well without having tested it...does overlaying yellow and blue actually produce green, or does it just produce an odd brownish colour?

When you combine 255 Red and 255 Green you get yellow on the template, which for the first kit (India) is the second arrow in front of the Alpha colour (shown as red) in the picture below. For this kit light blue and yellow have combined to form a light green. For the next example where yellow and green have combined for the Australia kit, the result is a yellow/green colour.

Once I have this kit released I'm going to experiment further to find out more about how particular colours and shades appear.

96 WC IND KIT.jpg 96 WC AUS KIT.jpg
96 WC AUS.jpg
Nah man thank you for taking time out to make it!! a beta would be awesome just to get more people interested in the forum. take all the time you need i cant wait im sure we can do with less colors for now.:thumbs

At last as requested by Swisscheese the 1996 Wills Cricket World Cup Kits are available for download. Please keep in mind that this is a Beta version as there are a few issues still to fix. I do intent to keep working on this kit, as I release other projects, to correct the issues.

The package has the kit including sweater and jumper plus the team names in the form of sponsor templates for the 12 competing teams.

Known issues are as follows:
  1. There is still a limitation of 4 different colours that are available for any kit. By mixing colours on the template I have been able to 'bend' the rules a bit, however the result is dependant on the 4 base colours used. As this kit in reality has many more colours required due to the multi coloured arrows across the chest, back and down the inside of the sleeves, we still have a shortfall to make this kit accurate.
  2. The sponsors template I believe is slightly inaccurate for colours of the team names, although this should be an easy fix using the base kit colour as I can grab the colour off a screenshot for the alteration. This will be covered in the first update in the next couple of weeks.
  3. I have also noticed with photos I have seen that the Wills' sponsor logo sometimes has '96 world cup' immediately under the logo. Other photos show it without. I have decided to use the basic version however I am happy to make a change if the community would like otherwise.
  4. You will also notice that the sponsor logo and team logo on this kit are on the opposite side the kit. Unfortunately this is a limitation of DBC 14 and to the best of my knowledge is unable to be changed. I would like to find out if it could be done though.
  5. You will see during play that the arrows/chevrons under the arms need smoothing out, this will be covered in a later release
Should you encounter any other issues with this kit I would welcome your feedback.

To install I recommend:
  1. First back up your My Games\Don Bradman Cricket 14\textures folder.
  2. Extract '1996 World' to a temporary folder.
  3. Copy the 'Don Bradman Cricket 14' folder over the file of the same name in your 'My Games' folder.
Should you have any problems please let me know.

I would like to take the opportunity to thank Swisscheese for requesting this kit and I really hope you enjoy it!

Next projects already being produced, Gray-Nicolls Elite bat from the early 1990's and Australian World Series Cricket Kits from 1988 to 1992. Watch this space...

96 WC AUS.jpg 96 WC ENG.jpg 96 WC IND.jpg 96 WC KEN.jpg 96 WC NED.jpg 96 WC NZ.jpg 96 WC PAK.jpg 96 WC SA.jpg 96 WC SL.jpg 96 WC UAE.jpg 96 WC WI.jpg 96 WC ZIM.jpg

WC 96 1.jpg WC 96 2.jpg WC 96 3.jpg WC 96 4.jpg WC 96 5.jpg WSC 1988-92.jpg


  • 1996 World
    159.2 KB · Views: 93
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I realised overnight that it might be helpful to those using the kit to have a Country/Sponsor list. The Countries and their sponsors are:
  1. Australia - ACD
  2. England - Cadastral
  3. India - Commtask
  4. Kenya - Coverbuild
  5. Netherlands - DB Frazier
  6. New Zealand - Diazo Bank
  7. Pakistan - Herotrac
  8. South Africa - Interworth
  9. Sri Lanka - Landmark Energy
  10. U.A.E - Latitude Telecom
  11. West Indies - Logifund
  12. Zimbabwe - Loop
Hope this helps and remember, if you have any feedback it is most welcome.
Thanks for all this @quincy159 - great work! Just out of interest, do you have a download for the kit used in the preview pics of the Gray Nicholls Giant bat?

Hi blockerdave

Funny you should ask. The kit shown in the preview pics was at that stage in early development when I put it on hold to attempt the 1996 World Cup Kit. The 1988 - 1992 Word Series Cricket Kit will be my next release shortly, once I have ironed out some bugs. I have progressed quite a bit further though particularly with sweaters/jumpers. Below are some recent screenshots.

I will also be releasing the Gray-Nicolls Elite bat, as used by David Boon and others during the era, at about the same time.

WSC 88-92 AUS.jpg WSC 88-92 ENG.jpg WSC 88-92 IND.jpg WSC 88-92 PAK.jpg WSC 88-92 WI.jpg
Thank you everyone for your support and encouraging feedback so far. I am very close to finishing the 1988 - 1992 WSC Kit and this should be released in the next few days.

In the meantime here is the Gray-Nicolls Elite bat from the early 1990's as used by David Boon and many others during the period.

Just place the bat in the following location

My Games\Don Bradman Cricket 14\textures\characters\sponsors

If you do not wish to overwrite one of your favourite bats just rename it to one of the others in the directory.


GN Elite 1.jpg GN Elite 2.jpg GN Elite 3.jpg GN Elite 4.jpg GN Elite 5.jpg GN Elite 6.jpg GN Elite 7.jpg


  • GN
    24.8 KB · Views: 39
1999 CWC kits next???

That WC had the best kits hands down...
1999 CWC kits next???

That WC had the best kits hands down...

I am happy to start making those kits as I agree they were very good for the time. I really liked the cultural aspect of them.

I am about to release the World Series Cricket Kits from 1988 to 1992 (just making last finishing touches) and have already started a rough template for WSC kits with the 'lightning bolts' from 1992 to 1994. You can consider the 1999 World Cup Kits on the priority list though!

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