Random Thoughts

Chaps. She was 16. And had massive breasts.

Well, she's 16 and still has massive breasts. All I know is I couldn't get her out of my head afterwards....

Any suggestions for a new avvy? Luc Bourdon has been dead for nearly two years now...

no. none at all.
Chaps. She was 16. And had massive breasts.

Well, she's 16 and still has massive breasts. All I know is I couldn't get her out of my head afterwards....

Any suggestions for a new avvy? Luc Bourdon has been dead for nearly two years now...

Ah I love the kinds of girls I cant get my head out of.......:p
Saw that one coming from a mile off

Chaps. She was 16. And had massive breasts.

Well, she's 16 and still has massive breasts. All I know is I couldn't get her out of my head afterwards....

Girl at work like that, who offered certain services to me lol. If I was 2-3 years younger I would have accepted lol but this old dog ain't gonna sink that low :p

Yeah, the gf is also pissed off at me as her parents are making her go to some wacko church group tomorrow and they want me to go as well. I really think they need to get to know me better ;)
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I just tweaking texted her mum by mistake and I called her parents ██████s. OMFG, I am so stupid, I am so tweaking stupid. I'm going to get really drunk now and try and forget this, I am such an effing moron!!!!!!!!!!!
You know what, I currently would give all the money I own for that to be bs, I really would :(

Think I can safely put this as one of the worst days of my life, I'm going to bed :(
3 points here;
1) I thought you were the best boyfriend ever.
2) She's like 15.
3) you'll have a new girlfriend in like 3 weeks.
Chaps, I apologise now for the disgraceful amount of swearing you are not about to see:

I have just seen the most disgusting tweaking thing in my whole entire life. I shall not divulge the link itself, or give a direct reference to it, so as to protect those who haven't already, but my tweaking God I have seen something that I shall never be able to unsee. I have just seen, on the World Wide Web; an elderly(ish) bloke be murdered.

It is every bit as bad as it seems, and fearsome tweak me I wish I had never clicked it. The video is around about 7 minutes long but fearsome tweak that; I lasted all of about 2. He is repeatedly hit over the head with a hammer, busting it wide open, brain and everything exposed. This in itself makes the stomach turn, but man alive it gets worse; he is still alive at this point. They perpetrators stab him in the stomach with a screwdriver, repeatedly. They poke his brain with said screwdriver, whilst he is still breathing. fearsome tweak me chaps, I feel physically sick, and will have all kinds of trouble sleeping tonight.

What sort of sick ****s would do that sort of thing. Actually, my issue is three-fold. 1) Why do it? 2) Why film it? and 3) Why the fearsome tweak would you post it on the internet. fearsome tweak sakes.

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