Random Thoughts

She was the warm up act, but murdered it. There was no atmosphere, she looked terrified and she really can't sing. Major comparison of the night was Fergie vs Cheryl and Fergie easily won! She looked better and sung so much better, she was just out performed Cheryl in every department!

If anyone sees the Black Eyed Peas going near to them soon, I would seriously reccomend it, it's a night to remember!
Lucky bastard Ollie, sounds like a sweet time you guys had.

I'm currently working my way through Band of Brothers as I have never watched it before. A mate knew I liked war movies so she went and bought it for me which was rather generous of her, so I reckon she is after something lol.
Lucky bastard Ollie, sounds like a sweet time you guys had.

I'm currently working my way through Band of Brothers as I have never watched it before. A mate knew I liked war movies so she went and bought it for me which was rather generous of her, so I reckon she is after something lol.

Forgotten about the gf already? Guess I should have said 3 hours, not 3 weeks!
Yea its great, there is another series running right now called "the Pacific"

Its by the same people and its about the battles in the islands against the Japs.

If you liked BofB you'll like this as well. Sunday nights on HBO
of the Pacific?

you are in for a treat then, the 3rd episode is about when US troops went to Melbourne for a few days after GuadalCanal. They stayed at the MCG :)
Yes Pacific.

And I look forward to it; not as familiar with the characters as I was with BoB, I guess because I can't make the Damien Lewis = Winters links....
God I love it when people fight back against robbers

hMarka added 1 Minutes and 48 Seconds later...

also this one, I bet the robber had no idea Indian people know how to swing a bat really well. This is awesome :)

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The Pacific is brilliant. Looks stunning in HD. I've fallen behind a little though, think I've got 3/4 episodes stored on my HD box. Need to get round to watching it this weekend.

Looking forward to Junior Apprentice tonight at 8. It's gonna be brilliant. Don't like some of the kids already. One lad, think he's 17, claims that his negotiation skills are "second to none". :laugh Sure they are mate, hope he fails miserably in the first challenge.
they made the semi-finals of the world cup in 03.

Yeah of course, but they only had like 2 wins and the rest were all rain effected games.

Cricketman added 2 Minutes and 49 Seconds later...

Jaydiohead :: Jay-Z x Radiohead :: Max Tannone

Fantastic mixtape. Beats/music of Radiohead and the lyrics of JayZ. Some kid has made a remix of these guys but it actually sounds like the two came together and made an 'official' record. Def. worth a listen!
I'm waiting anxiously by the computer for 9AM to come about. That's when tickets to Metallica go on sale. First time in something like 8 years they've come to New Zealand. I better get tickets.

Chewie added 16 Minutes and 27 Seconds later...

*&)(*&^($*%^&_%$(* Didn't get any, they sold out within a second.

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