Random Thoughts

Forgotten about the gf already? Guess I should have said 3 hours, not 3 weeks!

Haha, never!!! I've in fact just got back from her place and had a nice chat with her parents about "good communication with parents" :laugh If it keeps them happy so be it lol
School football finished 1-1 today. Stupid ref, our goalie put in a huge long kick which went over the defence, our striker chased it and was 1 on 1 then he blows full time. He was a teacher at our school... it's not really a serious comp so cant expect the best.
School football finished 1-1 today. Stupid ref, our goalie put in a huge long kick which went over the defence, our striker chased it and was 1 on 1 then he blows full time. He was a teacher at our school... it's not really a serious comp so cant expect the best.

Haha gutted, must have been some pissed off students.
Where'd you play Matt?

Left wing back sort of role - sometimes ducked into central midfield to mark up or got back into the box. Made a few interceptions.

Haha gutted, must have been some pissed off students.

Yeah, he warned some of the guys about being abusive and they'd be kicked off the team hahahah. No one really likes him, he's a bit of a tosser.

mattfb added 1 Minutes and 44 Seconds later...

Our goalie is a legend though. He plays reps for Parramatta I think, moved to that club from a local team. Made the best 1 on 1 save and another good diving save.

In an U15's comp I didnt play in, it was knock out and it went to pens. Our school was down 3-1, and if the opposition school scored the next pen they'd win. Our goalie saved both the next 2 and we went on to win it. He's gun.

love how you are calling it football.

Yeah haha

mattfb added 6 Minutes and 19 Seconds later...

Also, Syl, looking at our tipping comp on the daily telegraph we're on equal tips, but you're leading through closer cumulative margin. But you got the big 0 last week :D I only got 1 right though haha. I started the season strong but I've had some lean form since.

Skillex needs one good round and he'll be right back up the top too. Only 4 behind atm he is.
My friends bought me a super jug of speights at lunch today cos I was sad about not getting metallica tickets. Drank it all and then went to my accounting lecture drunk. Learning whilst drunk is quite hard. Then went hone and had a sleep and woke up for dinner feeling terrible. Didn't eat much and am now just lying on my bed cos my stomach hurts. Was fun for a short while.
Hard luck on not getting tickets man. Would've been a great experience (depress you more :p)
Skillex needs one good round and he'll be right back up the top too. Only 4 behind atm he is.

Dead set, haven't had any luck with tipping this season. Oh well, I'm going alright in fantasy teams I guess. In our Daily Telegraph comp', my mate Sunny (He made the other team under his sisters name 'Cindy') is now coming like 9th overall in the WHOLE of the competition. Crazzzzzyy.
FINALLY DONE WITH AP EXAMS. Today's test went quite well, AP World History. Lots of stuff about India so growing up listening to famous stories about the revolution from my grandparents really helped out. Hopefully did well so I won't have to take a History class in University/college.

Physics and Calc though...egh.

Finals in two weeks. But before that, two 25-page Formal Lab papers to do, meaning an experiment, data analysis, rationale, yadda yadda... then i've got an Economics assignment (blowoff class) - 15 page paper comparing capitalism, socialism, communism and globalization, political viewpoints in economics (liberal vs conservative) and the impact on the people. Can't believe she managed to cram in so much stuff into just one huge paper. and i've actually got to study for my finals... :( I see allnighters in my near future. Junior year has been a pain in the rear end.

Got some free time now and I am going to hit the gym, tired of sitting at the desk!
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Dead set, haven't had any luck with tipping this season. Oh well, I'm going alright in fantasy teams I guess. In our Daily Telegraph comp', my mate Sunny (He made the other team under his sisters name 'Cindy') is now coming like 9th overall in the WHOLE of the competition. Crazzzzzyy.

Yeah, you're not too far behind me and syl though.

I haven't really been doing the fantasy league. Might have a look at my team. Sounds like Sunny is a gun though. That's insane.

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