Random Thoughts

I succumbed to alcohol once again last night. What was supposed to be a quiet night in turned into 8 pints at the pub. Texted this bird who I probably shouldn't have done; shot to bits any sort of chance I may have had there, and (allegedly) walked back to my mate's, who proceeded to chunder in his mum's flowerpots.
LOL, gotta love the drunken texts to birds which then ruin your chances with them. Made that mistake so many times and I still haven't learnt :p
As long as my best mate is there I'd be fine. It's only when we get seperated on a night out we end up doing dumb ████ (memories of Tom stuck up a statue with a traffic cone come to mind :facepalm)
someone or all 3?

And if some of my mates are there they are likely to be sat right next to me in jail.
Saw 'Iron Man 2' last night. Excellent film, Mickey Rourke is a genius on camera. First time been to the cinema in a while. Could have easily turned the night into getting smashed with some other mates who were in town but I decided not to ditch my mates who I was with at the time (Two of the three are 17). Probably a wise move considering I don't want to be skint before Summer even arrives.

Next night out = 29th May, when a good mate of mine is 18. That'll be a good night which I imagine will end with many of us passed out back at his house.
^^ ZYESH ZZYESH!! IM2!! BEAST!! Every 1 thought it was gonna be ████

any ways, there used to be a comp game back in the 90s (or may be from the 80s, but i was born in the 90's so i played during the late 90's). It 1st starts with a tree, you have to cross it, then you enter this building, and start killing all kinda crap, and finish floors, then go to the next floor..and stuff

whats it called again?
Can I just say: Scarlett Johansson = Hottest woman on the planet. She can even rock out a gingery red hair colour.

My favourite scene was the Monaco Historique cars race. More because of the cars rather than the actual action :p
Well gingers would be less, but thinking back she had just plain red. What I meant was that even without her usual blonde hair she is still immensely attractive. Often when a woman dyes her hair it just looks weird, but not for Miss Johansson.

Anyone know where I can buy a copy of EA Cricket 2004. Preferably a buy and download like Steam. If not ,then any recognized retailer that ships to the US. (Amazon UK does not)

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