Random Thoughts

Saw 'Iron Man 2' last night. Excellent film, Mickey Rourke is a genius on camera. First time been to the cinema in a while. Could have easily turned the night into getting smashed with some other mates who were in town but I decided not to ditch my mates who I was with at the time (Two of the three are 17). Probably a wise move considering I don't want to be skint before Summer even arrives.

Next night out = 29th May, when a good mate of mine is 18. That'll be a good night which I imagine will end with many of us passed out back at his house.

I was thinkin about gettin the dvd but I reckon i'll go to the movies now
Scarlett Johansson is not hot!!!! i do not like her at all

her face is weird! except big boobs (fake) she got nothing goin on!

i hate the hype she is getting. Its like the hype Megan Fox got after Transformers 1. But Megan is pretty hot, and decent looking.
Anyone know where I can buy a copy of EA Cricket 2004. Preferably a buy and download like Steam. If not ,then any recognized retailer that ships to the US. (Amazon UK does not)

I would consider going Cricket 2005 instead of 2004. I have played both recently and for me 2005 is the better game, but that is my opinion of course......
Thanks but I did say that AmazonUk does not ship to the US :facepalm

hMarka added 0 Minutes and 57 Seconds later...

I would consider going Cricket 2005 instead of 2004. I have played both recently and for me 2005 is the better game, but that is my opinion of course......

Hm well what I like about 04 is the tours and the injuries. Is that present in 05? I also love the way the ball beats the bat. it looks so real
Ha, I remember when Griffo sent me Cricket04 through the post.


Didn't play it much but still a great game.
Trust me, theres no torrents.

hmarka, just use eBay, I use to be the same (untrustworthy) but its cheap anyways so it doesn't matter if it doesn't come. Plus these days you don't have to sign up to bloody paypal, you just enter your details (still through paypall) and its done.
Yea im just going to bite the bullet and sign up on ebay, I might get addicted though with all the cricket memorabilia on there.

@Mac, delete that post man, or they will infract your pants off

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