Random Thoughts

Another assignment to add to the list - 15 page world history paper debating a theory of my choice and how it affects the world in general.

- 2 Formal Labs (50 pages)
- Econ Paper (15 pages)
- APWorld Paper (15 pages)
- Studying for final exams
- Studying for the ACT

....Under 2 weeks to do it all.
Finals in two weeks. But before that, two 25-page Formal Lab papers to do, meaning an experiment, data analysis, rationale, yadda yadda... then i've got!

What sort of labs?

I have almost finished my first year in uni doing chemistry, and I am yet to do a lab report longer than 7 pages or so, including graphs.

Had a proper european night out last night - I have no idea what country one of the lads was even from. Possibly Germany.

One german lad introduced me to the concept of the "Einlauf" which is basically pouring a drink in someone's pants. Yes IN. not on. Inside.
What sort of labs?

I have almost finished my first year in uni doing chemistry, and I am yet to do a lab report longer than 7 pages or so, including graphs.

Lucky. Our labs are crazy long. The lab experiment itself is very simple - for example our Chemistry one is just Freezing point depression and finding the Kf value of an unknown substance. But we have to include an introduction, background info, rationale (all which equal like 7 pages) then the procedure, data, graphs, figures, and then do it again for other variables that are being tested. Then conclusion which is like 5 pages.

My physics one is about the Magnus effect, similar format. At least I got to pick my topic for that.
Is the word 'ironical' correct or incorrect? I always thought it was not a proper word but I see it popping up all over the place now.
I just remember when George Bush used it once and everyone had a field day with it. It sounds incorrect to the ear to begin with.
Pretty good effort by her. Must have been hard, especially with the critics after her practice run. Annoying that she won't get the official record.
Because the people in charge of Sailing or whatever has changed it so that nobody under 18 is allowed to anymore. Also that she didn't go high enough North.

Didn't they also say that she technically did not travel enough km for it to be counted as circumnavigating the world?

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