I tried some light jogging on Thursday, it lasted about 4 steps.
So you guys reckon I should lay off the swimming for a bit yet? Despite now having been invited by a very hot girl?
Just "deactivated" my facebook. They won't even let you delete it anymore. 8% of American companies have already fired people and regularly monitor their employees FB pages. A lot more are now hiring companies to investigate people on social networking before they hire them.
It'll all gone a bit Orwellian for me. I am done with it, not sure how I will cope without knowing what my friends ate for lunch or how excited they are about a sports game on the weekend :sarcasm
good riddance
Just "deactivated" my facebook. They won't even let you delete it anymore. 8% of American companies have already fired people and regularly monitor their employees FB pages. A lot more are now hiring companies to investigate people on social networking before they hire them.
It'll all gone a bit Orwellian for me. I am done with it, not sure how I will cope without knowing what my friends ate for lunch or how excited they are about a sports game on the weekend :sarcasm
good riddance