Random Thoughts

It was so foggy last night, me and a mate got lost. We hadn't even been drinking which makes it worse. We just had no idea where we were :laugh
Stupid Macbook laptop. Nearly killed my Muse CD, just stalled the disc and jammed when it was like fully inside. Had to use tweezers to get the disc out.

Tweezers FTW! (Y)
Anyone else here take the laptop with them to the bathroom? I swear I just need to set up a desktop in the bathroom across the toilet.:D
Woke up at 12.30 today, ~3 hours after i was meant to be in uni with a cut on my face and muddy hands. Very good night out last night.

Apparently I was wrestling with my mate outside some club at about 4.30am
Murderer and a paedophile. Tsk tsk. And we complain about RDF lurking around these forums.
Anyone else here take the laptop with them to the bathroom? I swear I just need to set up a desktop in the bathroom across the toilet.:D

Please say you don't dump and surf?!:eek:
Anyone else here take the laptop with them to the bathroom? I swear I just need to set up a desktop in the bathroom across the toilet.:D

Not to the bog as it were but i watch a dvd in the bath. (No, just normal films!) or I listen to an e book! Cool. You just have to set it up right so that you don't end up electrocuting yourself!

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