Random Thoughts

Not to the bog as it were but i watch a dvd in the bath. (No, just normal films!) or I listen to an e book! Cool. You just have to set it up right so that you don't end up electrocuting yourself!

I have a large collection of e-books. I listen to them while I play video games,walk the dog etc currently listening to Great Expectations (for the millionth time)
But aren't you a staff member and can correct it yourself?
Bored as. Whats happening guys?

Playing poker/railing my mate.

Whilst listening to pretty much the entire half-ma half-biscuit catalogue on spotify.

"I say boom boom boom, let me hear you say hosepipe ban"

And as I type that I get knocked out. Flopped two pair, he flopped a straight. Bit of a cooler really, but it happens, cashed though so not too bothered.
27th out of ~360

A small buy in though so I was only about 7 dollars up after taking into account the buy in and knockouts but it's a good sign that I am going deep again, been a about 10 days since I made a decent cash.

I'm about 300 hundred dollars up on my account in only two months since my first deposit. taking into account bonuses and the money I have transferred to a work colleague as a favour seeing as he went over his deposit limit.

But with 3 weeks off uni, I'm hoping I can put in a lot of volume and see how much I can make.

I don't want to withdraw anything until I have finished uni though, if I have a couple of thousand dollars by then I might buy a car or go travelling for a bit or something.
Hey Ste, have you ever seen the movie Rounders? its not a serious poker movie but its good fun! Matt Damon and Edward Norton.

BTW can anyone guess where I am sitting while I posted this :laugh

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