Random Thoughts

Forgetting that it should not be a crime in any country, let alone one that carries the death penalty.

hMarka added 0 Minutes and 58 Seconds later...

Fair enough, but do you agree there is a large difference between people suspected of terrorism and people who work in the entertainment industry!

Yeah I was just trying to get you going. :p

It is a mad situation and puts Saudi Arabia once again on the map for all the wrong reasons. On the same theme I saw a documentary about Rachelle Corby, a young Australian women convicted of drug smuggling on Bali. Whether you fall on this or that side of the argument whether she is guilty or not, her situation must be incomprehensibly desperate. it was harrowing to watch and I truly didn't sleep well.
dutchad watch the TV series "Banged up Abroad (Locked up Abroad in the US)"

Personal narratives of people who have been imprisoned or kidnapped overseas.

Full episodes are on National Geographic website

Also, drug smuggling is a crime by most measurable standards, fortune telling not so much.

19 out of the 21 9/11 highjackers were Saudi's hmmmmm perhaps we bombed the wrong country
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I've seen one or two eps from that. I normally only watch Air Crash Investigation on those channels though. I've seen like, 95% of them. I've missed a few of the latest ones though.
dutchad watch the TV series "Banged up Abroad (Locked up Abroad in the US)"

Personal narratives of people who have been imprisoned or kidnapped overseas.

Full episodes are on National Geographic website

Also, drug smuggling is a crime by most measurable standards but fortune telling?

I just can't watch those kind of programs any more. I cant distance myself from the personal implications of peoples stories. There is so much utter tragedy and injustice in this world. Oh don't think I am some kind of manic depressive person: just observation.
^ Gazza actually listens to Short Stack, thats whats funny.

Believe me when I say I'm not the keenest Short Stack fan on this forum ;)

Gazza added 1 Minutes and 2 Seconds later...

BBC News - 'Sorcerer' faces imminent death in Saudi Arabia

These barbarians are going to execute this man because he had a TV show in another country in which he predicted peoples futures. The man had gone to Saudi on Haj and they arrested him and are now going to execute him.

This whole country makes me sick, executing someone for witchcraft! Bloody savages

Hopefully a developed country will intervene....
i had no idea you were allowed to do that :eek::eek: he's not even a saudi. executing a innocent man is "un-islamic"
He is supposed to be beheaded today :mad:

Ms Cleo better never go to Saudi Arabia :laugh, then again who in their right mind would ever go to that place

hMarka added 0 Minutes and 23 Seconds later...

Interestingly the last person prosecuted and imprisoned for witchcraft in the UK was in 1942.

Thats a lot more recent then I would have imagined.
I normally only watch Air Crash Investigation on those channels though. I've seen like, 95% of them. I've missed a few of the latest ones though.

Good lad - what series are you on in Aus?
Watched like three episodes of 'Air Crash Investigation' today. Pretty sad stories that usually end up being the drivers fault. Still makes for interesting tele though.
Good lad - what series are you on in Aus?

I think it' series 6.. Not sure. I'm looking on the ACI website and I've seen most of the episodes from series 5 which is the furthest you can go back to see the episode lists. We were getting new ones every monday and I saw 3 of them, then they've stopped it.

My favourite episodes are Ghost Plane and Hidden Danger, both in series 4.

mattfb added 2 Minutes and 38 Seconds later...

Watched like three episodes of 'Air Crash Investigation' today. Pretty sad stories that usually end up being the drivers fault. Still makes for interesting tele though.

Yeah, it is sad. Sometimes it's quite sobering, but like you said it's also interesting. I find a lot of the time it's the engineers fault as well, such as in "Ghost plane", but the pilots should of noticed that the switch for the air to come in via the engines was on manual and not automatic. The engineers put it in manual for a check up but didn't put it back to automatic. (I said "air to come in" but that's not how they explained it, it's a little more scientific then that but I forget what the explanation was :p)

Hidden danger though was arguably pilot fault, I don't really remember it fully but he slowed down and dived at the wrong time IIRC. But it would take a lot of skill to keep your plane in the air during one of those storms.
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Watched the Air France crash in 1988 today. It's ridiculous how a) the driver can be that low to the ground and b) how someone can leave the forest off the map. When it's not a mechanical problem it's always something that common sense should have prevented.
I don't think I've seen that one, looked it up on youtube just then and saw the impact. That's amazing how things like that can happen. What/who did they blame the crash on?

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