Random Thoughts

I remember a few brilliant one's, might not have been air crash investigation, where I think it was a FedX plane and one of the co-pilots wanted to commite suicide by crashing the plane. Obviously because it was a cargo fight that he was able to take aboard what ever he liked. Well this turned into an epic battle where the plane was pushed to the limits.

Somehow one of the pilots who got a fractured skull managed to crawl back to his seat and help his friend who was fighting the bad guy in the main crago hold by doing rolls and steep turns. Anyhow, this guys eventually managed to land the plane.
I remember that. Wasn't that where a guy that wasn't on duty but worked for the company hitched a ride on the plane and he was sitting behind the cockpit, then went and attacked the pilots?
I don't think I've seen that one, looked it up on youtube just then and saw the impact. That's amazing how things like that can happen. What/who did they blame the crash on?

Didn't see the end but I think they blamed it on the pilot. Usually the pilot has made a mistake, the trouble is the mistakes they make can be fatal.

Also saw the one where the Soviet fighter pilot took out a passenger plane that had flown off course and they thought it was a spy plane they had been tracking. The soviet fighter even now believes it was a spy plane, no matter what evidence says otherwise, and I don't blame him. Imagine living with the death of 150 innocent people having been given orders to shoot it down.
Yeah, I think I've seen that one. Didn't the passenger plane not have there radar signals correct?
I think the pilot just forgot to set the auto pilot that would have taken them on the right course, or something like that. Then the pilot couldn't see the warning shots fired by the fighter pilot so he took it down. It's amazing how disaster can be averted by just one or two things you assume would happen when your a pilot, like seeing if anything is behind you.
Oh yeah, I was thinking of another one. I know which one you're talking about now. I was thinking of the one where a passenger plane got shot down from a navy ship. They thought it was going to attack them or something, because it's radar signals weren't set to "friendly plane" or whatever. It was a lot more complicated then that though I do remember.
Didn't see the end but I think they blamed it on the pilot. Usually the pilot has made a mistake, the trouble is the mistakes they make can be fatal.

Also saw the one where the Soviet fighter pilot took out a passenger plane that had flown off course and they thought it was a spy plane they had been tracking. The soviet fighter even now believes it was a spy plane, no matter what evidence says otherwise, and I don't blame him. Imagine living with the death of 150 innocent people having been given orders to shoot it down.

So many unfortunate events in this.
A) They happened to be flying the route closest to Soviet air space.
B) They forgot to turn the AP onto following waypoints instead of compass heading.
C) They didn't notice the headwind and tailwind discrepancy between themselves and a plane on the same course, minutes behind them.
D) The soviet fighter thought them ascending in altitude was a defensive manoeuvre and this convinced him of the planes intentions.
E) The fact that there was a spy plane up and there courses intercepted - fooling the radar tracker.

One thing I will say though is that there should have been more remains found. There have been far bigger crashes (G Forces and explosions) with hundreds of bodies found. There were 2 "remains" found. The plane by all accounts was descending in a controlled manner too leading to numerous conspiracy theories of it being shot at again - possibly be a surface to air missile or even a Sub. Or, it landed on the water and survivors were captured.

Oh and my favourite episode (not sure is that's the right word in this context) is the Tenerife crash between two 747's on the runway. There's also one where two pilots made an error resulting in the crash and death of all aboard and reports of the pilots appearing on other planes in a ghostly form, warning pilots of possible dangers. Enough pilots - cabin staff complained for a full internal review on the "ghosts."
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Just bought a couple of CD's today. Felt so weird, suffered a bit of deja vu to be quite frank. Oh what hath' iTunes done to the joy of actually buying a CD.
Yes, of course I use iTunes :p

I still buy CDs, my mates think I'm an idiot for it. Nothing beats playing a CD in the car, computer, CD player, etc. Plus posters, extra content, etc.
^ So subtle with your last line eh'?


But serious though, I know people make the argument to "get with the times". But I reckon' if your going to be in a country such as the U.A.E where the laws are as such (Even I disagree with the situation in context) then your going to have to respect it no matter what. Its quite simple really, don't like it? Then just don't visit/live there if the law isn't suitable to your 'means'.
I wish it was that simple, just waiting for their oil to run out so there is no excuse left to deal with those people
Think of it from another perspective though. In the scheme of things, economically, its going to have an even bigger impact globally rather than just that court case or cases of a similar nature.
I was just comparing the impacts of running out of oil in contrast to those stupid court cases.

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