Random Thoughts

My perfect TV trio currently is Alyssa Milano, Kaley Cuoco and Sarah Chalke. Sarah Chalke isn't stunning but there's just something about her that makes her attractive. The other two are just gorgeous. Cote de Pablo from NCIS would be up there as well.
My perfect TV trio currently is Alyssa Milano, Kaley Cuoco and Sarah Chalke. Sarah Chalke isn't stunning but there's just something about her that makes her attractive. The other two are just gorgeous. Cote de Pablo from NCIS would be up there as well.

Sarah Chalke used to be, but she got too thin. She looked amazing in Scrubs 3-5. And in the clothing Scrubs. Stunning.
Erin off of The American Office is one of my favourites atm. She's not a supermodel stunner, but she's got that real cute look about her.



Also. Hi, I'm Date Mike. Nice to meet me. How do you like your eggs in the morning? ;) Man I love the American Office.

And my personal favourite Office conversation:

Jim: Does that include 'that's what she said'?
Michael: *nods* uh-hum.....yesss
Jim: Wow, that is really hard..........You really think you can go all day long? Well, you always left me satisfied and smiling so.....
Michael: THATS WHAT SHE SAID :laugh

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I think the "this or that" and "add a word drop a word" threads should be closed.

Its just being used to spam and increase post count, there is no element of humor or creativity behind it.

Just read some of the posts, half the words don't make sense and its the same 4-5 guys constantly posting in there.

Just my opinion (I posted in them quite a decent amount as well).

At least the "rate the movie" and "rate the songs" threads in NT&G had some function behind them.

Add a word drop a word is the worst, it should be closed ASAP
meh, not my style. Her face is too sharp edged and elongated.
Im more for the classical and more natural look

but like I said, to each their own

few examples


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Interesting to know, I just hear that eating a fatty/oily breakfast somehow temporarily alleviates the 'hangover' feeling. Don't know what to make of it but I just done that. I'll be sure to use your method next time, which is probably on Thursday considering I've got a party on tomorrow night :p

Fat can never be good, the enzymes can't break any fat/oil down, even the good oils (like Olive oil, EV olive oil) are just less bad oils, really.

The hangover is your brain telling you that it's not happy and action needs taking, so you need water to rehydrate you (drinking pints, mostly water isn't going to rehydrate you ;)) To get sort of technical, the brain is telling your kidney to excrete the fluid instead of absorb it, which is why you get rid of more fluid than you in-take from alcohol, it varies from person to person, but the diuretic effect exists in everyone. It's this effect which causes hangovers, in the morning the organs work so hard to produce the water your body needs that it dehyrdates the brain, thus the headache. Thus drinking lots of water stops the headache.

The sugar re-supply is needed because the alcohol causes sugars to be expelled when they shouldn't be. The reason why I say Honey is because it is a lot easier to breakdown for us because the bees have started the process. It is highly concentrated, so you don't need much. Typically, if I've had say 20-25 units on a night (that's about as much as I'll do, though being an Aussie you might not know what a unit is, it's about 7-8 pints), I'll have 2 pints of water and a couple of bits of toast with honey on it.

I can drink and not have to worry about hangovers, I just don't get them. Though you probably won't feel like eating sugar or consuming a lot of water. Don't do it all at once and you can even do it a couple of hours after your last drink (last week I did it about 3 hours after my last drink.)

Edit: Actually it seems there is some merit in the fat lining the stomach thing, but then you should never drink on an empty stomach. Fruit juice, banana, eggs, all good.
Fat can never be good, the enzymes can't break any fat/oil down, even the good oils (like Olive oil, EV olive oil) are just less bad oils, really.

Wrong. no fat at all isn't good for you.

And there is a while class of enzymes called lipases, which break down lipids, i.e. fats.
Biology never was my strong point. Rest of the post still stands though!

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