Random Thoughts

Crazy country :eek:

Have any of you ever got upper back pains from playing too much cricket?

I'm a right-hander and recently I have started getting back pains just below my shoulder blade on the right side. It is at it's worst when I wake up in the morning but recovers after I get up from bed, bar the occasional crack. I think the pain is also radiating to my rib cage as well.

I believe it is a mixture of raising my leading arm high continuosly, I have played cricket like 6 times a week for the past year and the pains have recently got worse. I think I'll stop for a while now, or I might book a doctors appointment :(
I've got sharp, burning, radiating pains right below my shoulder blade, as you do, but on my left hand side. I'm a right hander too thought, but more of a bowler. Hurts whenever I try warming up, after I play, and when I sleep in an awkward angle. It's hurting right now actually, just played yesterday.

It sometimes radiates to my chest too, left hand side again, around the collar bone and just below. I've had that pretty frequently, and randomly too, through playing soccer, cricket, or any activity really. Sometimes I just wake up and it hurts. It disappears after a while though. I went to a doctor and he said it was muscle spasms, but it's pretty bizarre. Must have something to do with me being really skinny.
I've got sharp, burning, radiating pains right below my shoulder blade, as you do, but on my left hand side. I'm a right hander too thought, but more of a bowler. Hurts whenever I try warming up, after I play, and when I sleep in an awkward angle. It's hurting right now actually, just played yesterday.

It sometimes radiates to my chest too, left hand side again, around the collar bone and just below. I've had that pretty frequently, and randomly too, through playing soccer, cricket, or any activity really. Sometimes I just wake up and it hurts. It disappears after a while though. I went to a doctor and he said it was muscle spasms, but it's pretty bizarre. Must have something to do with me being really skinny.

Yep exactly the same, except I never had any pains near my collar bone. BTW I meant my left-hand side too, typo :p.

I have had it for maybe 1 or 2 years but it has got progressively worse.

In the mornings, do you get strange pains at the front-left-bottom of your rib cage when you take a deep breath? I do, but after a few deep breath's it goes away, really weird.

Also it seems that I can avoid the pain if I get up just when I wake up, but it gets worse if I snooze on the bed to long.
I get these really sharp, burning pains just under my shoulder blade on my right hand side as well. Mine happens when I'm batting, and it's terrible. I just dismiss it and tough it out, CBF seeing a doctor over a small bit of discomfort.
In the mornings, do you get strange pains at the front-left-bottom of your rib cage when you take a deep breath? I do, but after a few deep breath's it goes away, really weird.

Also it seems that I can avoid the pain if I get up just when I wake up, but it gets worse if I snooze on the bed to long.
Get those too, but I think that's a stitch :p Only happens when I run a lot.

For me it hurts less if I lie in bed, still for a while, and move slowly. If I keep tossing and turning it hurts more.

I think this is a common cricket related injury seeing as Jake gets it too. Maybe it has a name? :p
In the mornings, do you get strange pains at the front-left-bottom of your rib cage when you take a deep breath? I do, but after a few deep breath's it goes away, really weird.

I get this as well, but it doesn't last very long, a few seconds. Usually it happens while I'm taking a deep breath while stretching in the morning.
I get this as well, but it doesn't last very long, a few seconds. Usually it happens while I'm taking a deep breath while stretching in the morning.

I think I am about to cry in joy :crying I am not alone!!!

That's it I am not going to play cricket for at least a year now :help
I think the "this or that" and "add a word drop a word" threads should be closed.

Its just being used to spam and increase post count, there is no element of humor or creativity behind it.

Just read some of the posts, half the words don't make sense and its the same 4-5 guys constantly posting in there.

That's why I stopped posting there. Complete waste of time.:facepalm
I think the "this or that" and "add a word drop a word" threads should be closed.

Its just being used to spam and increase post count, there is no element of humor or creativity behind it.

Just read some of the posts, half the words don't make sense and its the same 4-5 guys constantly posting in there.

Just my opinion (I posted in them quite a decent amount as well).

At least the "rate the movie" and "rate the songs" threads in NT&G had some function behind them.

Add a word drop a word is the worst, it should be closed ASAP

It doesn't add to post count but I agree that they're a total waste of space.

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