Random Thoughts

On the topic of Journalism and high paying jobs... I would rather do Journalism, even if it doesn't mean being rich if I don't get the really best jobs. I wouldn't want to do something I hate for lots of money, because I wouldn't want to get out of bed in the morning and life would be quite sucky. Although the money would obviously be good...

I'd love to work for a magazine such as fourfourtwo. I think I've told you guys before but I've got work experience at Inside Cricket magazine in August so I'm stoked :)
Talking about journalism, I was real big into it before, was writing pretty regularly too. Now, I'm not over it, but I've gone in different directions. You've gotta do all your schooling, Uni courses, and it's a bloody hard game to get into. The pays good, but not everyone would make it.

Mechanics is working with cars, which I enjoy, a job which will never go away, and you'll save money on doing your own car services and fix ups, etc.

I wouldn't be surprised if I changed my mind on what I want to do again, TBH.
Uni is for people who are:

-in need of something to do with their lives so they just enrol at uni
-social disasters.

Go and get a real job, like a trade, its good for the mind (plenty of thinking, problem solving, planning etc.), good for the body, good for getting ladies and a great money maker. You can make a lot more money then most uni graduates if you have a trade behind you.

Plus you don't have to always whinge on facebook and such with posts like "omg asssignment due 2moro, luv u bf xoxox".

Uni students on facebook is something that grinds my gears by the way.
If you don't want to be poor for the rest of your life you better go to college.
College and Uni are the same thing here. I mean a 4 years Bachelors degree. Hell nowadays even thats not enough, grad school is starting to become a must also.
Uni is for people who are:

-in need of something to do with their lives so they just enrol at uni
-social disasters.

Go and get a real job, like a trade, its good for the mind (plenty of thinking, problem solving, planning etc.), good for the body, good for getting ladies and a great money maker. You can make a lot more money then most uni graduates if you have a trade behind you.

Plus you don't have to always whinge on facebook and such with posts like "omg asssignment due 2moro, luv u bf xoxox".

Uni students on facebook is something that grinds my gears by the way.

What do you think about mechanics?

Jakester1288 added 0 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

Tried servicing an electric car?

Eh. I didn't make that up, I actually read it somewhere.
I am so bored with college right now, so un-stimulating. Ah well, a few more weeks than I can give it, and education, the two fingers.:banana2
Eh. I didn't make that up, I actually read it somewhere.
Mechanics will still be needed, but the current idea of a mechanic as a guy who fixes cars will certainly be gone. You'd need a wider grounding of fixing other mechanical stuff to ensure a 'job for life'. It is inevitable that regardless of a degree, you will need to keep reskilling if you want a job, even in a 'trade'. There is always someone else who can fill your place.

PS - everyone will tell you that their industry is the one that will survive into the future.

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