Random Thoughts

You don't have to be a lawyer after doing law. My dad's boss did law and he is now CEO of a company earning over a mill a year.
Copy what Matt said. Only problem being that internet journalism seems to be taking over, and by the time we're 30ish.......

Law sounds pretty good atm, don't want to be a 'lawyer', but politics, etc....

Plenty of places to get paid online. I write on the offside sometimes (http://sydneyfc.theoffside.com/), and the really active blogs (Roma, United etc) get thousands of page views per month, and if you get a certain amount you get pay bonuses. There are $10, $20, $50 and $100 bonuses per month I think.

Obviously you can't live off that but just an example. goal.com pay some of their better writters too. Journalism in magazines such as fourfourtwo maybe... Plenty of options.

The Sydney one I write on is rarely active, even when me and the other guy were updating on a more regular basis.
HKUST (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) want to interview me over the phone regarding my application. 15 minute phone call on Saturday. They are my first choice uni, ranked number 1 in Asia for Engineering and 4th overall as of 2009. The three programs I applied to, combined, only accept about 120 kids. I'm freaking out =S
HKUST (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) want to interview me over the phone regarding my application. 15 minute phone call on Saturday. They are my first choice uni, ranked number 1 in Asia for Engineering and 4th overall as of 2009. The three programs I applied to, combined, only accept about 120 kids. I'm freaking out =S

What did you apply for?
Mechanical Engineering as my first choice, Electrical second and I think Engineering Management or something like that for third. They're interviewing me for Mechanical.
Mechanical Engineering as my first choice, Electrical second and I think Engineering Management or something like that for third. They're interviewing me for Mechanical.

Best things to say in an interview:
- You are a good leader
- You work well in a team environment
- You have good attention to detail

Don't worry about your study grades or ability, usually in an interview they look at your social skills.
Yeah but hes going for an engineering place in a very highly respected Uni, I'm sure they'd want to know a bit about his abilities...
Yeah but hes going for an engineering place in a very highly respected Uni, I'm sure they'd want to know a bit about his abilities...

I think they will have his school grades already. He shouldn't really know anything about engineering before doing the course. It's not something you get taught at school.
It seems like everybody on here wants to do sport journalism. I for one would like to as it would be just awesome, going to matches and meeting stars and getting paid for it!
You would expect it really. People wouldn't have signed up to a cricket forum to write about their opinions if they didn't enjoy mixing the two concepts. I for one would love to write for a website or newspaper, combines everything I've learnt really: Media, English and PE.
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I would love to be a journalist too. Except that won't pay the bills and I have a family to support :p
Not pay the bills? Journalism is a well paid job here in the UK, and I imagine even more so in America. I suppose sport in the Middle East isn't as iconic as it is here.
I think it's just that there is more probability of getting a better paying job in another field. To get the best jobs in journalism, you gotta be the best of the best, no matter which Uni you go to. But, in some of the more common fields, companies come to the best of Unis looking for their next batch of employees, and you start off after your Uni years with a super solid salary.

I would love to be a Sports Journalist, or do Psychology. But, I'm most probably going to do Nanotechnology, with probably a Business course in there as well. Need to get through these A Levels first. Boards are easy...but Indian teachers make moronic mock papers, way harder than the boards. Got 3 mock exams tomorrow, so screwed. :p

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