Random Thoughts

That's a joint injury around the pelvis isn't it? I should really know seeing as I'm doing A Level PE, but then again I'm pretty ████ at that kind of stuff.


Can't decide which of these is the cooler cat, gotta go for Bill methinks
Just watched '10 Things You Don't Know About Volcanoes' and have come to the conclusion that volcanoes are very interesting. If all else fails, including owning my own ice cream brand (I make awesome Raspberry ice cream), I may well become a volcanologist. Wonder if there are any uni courses on it...
Does not sound like a lucrative career at all :laugh

Also sound like the job market might be a bit small.
Even so, it would be damn interesting. Imagine visiting most of the world's volcanoes as part of your job. Far more interesting the earthquakes and hurricanes in my opinion.
Sounds more like a romanticism than a practical career tbh

good luck if you actually manage it though, would be sweet
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Probs something like Geography or Meterology or something like that. Try looking on UCAS it has all the available courses there
Nah, I wouldn't ever try. My first choice job career is either sports journalism or film/television production in some way. That's what I'm hopefully going to do at uni, if I get my grades this year.

Could well be a sort of hobby/interest later in life. I would love to know the insides of it all and be able to understand everything about them.

Let's hope Yellowstone doesn't kill us all first, though ;)
Nah, I wouldn't ever try. My first choice job career is either sports journalism or film/television production in some way. That's what I'm hopefully going to do at uni, if I get my grades this year.

Could well be a sort of hobby/interest later in life. I would love to know the insides of it all and be able to understand everything about them.

Let's hope Yellowstone doesn't kill us all first, though ;)

Haha brap I'm doing Sports Journalism.
Copy what Matt said. Only problem being that internet journalism seems to be taking over, and by the time we're 30ish.......

Law sounds pretty good atm, don't want to be a 'lawyer', but politics, etc....

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