Random Thoughts

I'm considering it...

HKUST FTW though, really. Number 1 in Asia, top 30 in the world despite only being open for like 5-7 years. 3 years for the degree, and fees are 1/4th of Canada/USA/UK. For a local anyways. Awesome.
For economics, UBC is the best, better than McGill for sure. That's what I want to study.
Ah, yes, I was talking about the Science side.

Had my best exam today...and I studied the least for today's paper so far. Funny how that happens.
What do you think about mechanics?

Jakester1288 added 0 Minutes and 45 Seconds later...

Eh. I didn't make that up, I actually read it somewhere.
Mechanics is good.

Good and VERY handy as almost everyone in the world has a car. You can make a lot of money doing "cashies" on the weekend to make extra money.

Also you can start your own business.
It's sunny, I'm having a sneaky daytime drink with spotify on and playing on the play station. this is the life. fact.
Jake what the hell is wrong with you? Why do you want to be a mechanic? Do you not have the opportunity to go to University? Im not sure how it works in Australia but without a bachelors degree over here, you will be poor for the rest of your life, living paycheck to paycheck.
I have avatars turned off.

I'm going to take a huge stab in the dark and guess that it's a might ducks avatar.
Phew! Have took a day off from school today! Really it was just awkward to be in school, and nothing special to happen today, so I stayed at home. Feeling pretty much relaxed.:)

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