Random Thoughts

I haven't been out since I shaved the beard, going to be strange getting id'd more often.

Used to be quite funny on the few times I did get id'd, they'd asl for it without relaly looking at me properly because my mates were getting id'd ahead of me or something, then check the id almost apologetically.
Highlighting your hair is just a gayer version of dying it completely. You are correct, I actually have less style than a goat, but dying/highlighting your hair is just wrong.


One of my friends got me to listen to Brimful of Asha yesterday, 1997 song. Now I can't stop listening to it. It has some sorta funky vibe to it.
A cute dog ran away from his house and followed us home. I think his owners didn't live in that house anymore.

Anyway I am not sure the breed he is, he is small (don't think he'll get any bigger), orange and and has a face that looks like a Boerboel. He has got a pig like tail too.

He (still not sure) is awesome, can play ball and is the most friendliest dog I have ever seen.
Might be a Pug, does it look like this?


Check his collar, try to get him back to his owner before you turn him into the pound or give him away.

hMarka added 0 Minutes and 47 Seconds later...

He (still not sure) is awesome, can play ball and is the most friendliest dog I have ever seen.

WTF do you mean "still not sure". Does it have a penis? If so , then its a dude :facepalm
Yeah that's it. I can't be bothered checking it's sex tbh :p

If the owners don't return in a day, we'll take him to RSPCA.
Its a mutt, deffo has some Pug in him, the mask and eyes are very Pug.

EDIT: Look up your local pounds, most of them keep the dogs for 2 weeks, if no one claims/adopts him in that time they kill them.

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