Random Thoughts

Ewww, a fat bird started coming on to me last night. It was rather awkward as I was already on a date and she wouldn't go away, so we had to go some place else to escape her. Got a second date though. so that's all that matters :D
Ewww, a fat bird started coming on to me last night. It was rather awkward as I was already on a date and she wouldn't go away, so we had to go some place else to escape her. Got a second date though. so that's all that matters :D

They problem is that they don't know they are fat and think they are hot.
Humphrey, apprenticeships, etc are pretty much a uni qualification here. Tradies earn a sht load of money, occasionally more than people who go through uni. One of my mates is doing one now, and he's 15.
I badly need my passport picture changed. Went out last night and used my passport as ID (not driving so haven't got a license for ID) and the picture is of me when I was 14. First place we went to had a guy that looked like a spitting image of Batista off WWE on the door. He looked at me and the picture about 5 times before letting me in. Probably about the only slight down point off the night. It was a good night.
Jake what the hell is wrong with you? Why do you want to be a mechanic? Do you not have the opportunity to go to University? Im not sure how it works in Australia but without a bachelors degree over here, you will be poor for the rest of your life, living paycheck to paycheck.

Not everyone goes to University... He wouldn't be extremely wealthy, not many are, but I'd imagine he'd live a fine life with enough money to live and enjoy life.
It was mistake, alright!!!!!!!

I badly need my passport picture changed. Went out last night and used my passport as ID (not driving so haven't got a license for ID) and the picture is of me when I was 14. First place we went to had a guy that looked like a spitting image of Batista off WWE on the door. He looked at me and the picture about 5 times before letting me in. Probably about the only slight down point off the night. It was a good night.

Nah, some of them are douche's and do that anyway. I'm finally at the stage where I don't need to be ID'd (about time) Ahhh, ickle treva is enjoying being a man tho :p

In other news, who knew getting your hair dyed could be so complicated. Currently my skin is being tested lol and I go back on Monday to see the results and get it done.
Highlighting your hair is just a gayer version of dying it completely. You are correct, I actually have less style than a goat, but dying/highlighting your hair is just wrong.
Well every single girl who I've talked to about it, thinks it is awesome and really stylish of me and like it even better that I am straight, so if it keeps the opposite sex happy, it will keep me happy in the long run ;)

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