Random Thoughts

Sad to hear about your loss Jack, my thoughts are with you and your family. Take care of yourself and your family.
Really sorry to hear about your dad Jack. I hope you can take inspiration from how hard he fought against it even after he is gone and live your life to the full.
My thoughts are with you and the rest of your family.
Chin up and stay strong Jack, if not for yourself then for your family. Condolences and I hope you find peace soon.
Younger brother just got a bad ass job offer and has now crossed the 6 figure mark (if you count the sign on bonus). Only took him 2 years after grad school, took my Dad/Mom almost a decade or more :p

Going with him and my pops this weekend to buy a car, he's getting an Audi A6 Turbo, it's a year old but certified pre-owned and still under the original warranty, only 12k miles on it.

Starting to rethink this whole teaching gig :p Maybe I should have majored in finance
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