Random Thoughts

It's criminal that Minute and Minute are spelled the same.

I was delighted to see that loser get voted in again.

It was strange election. A mixture of emtions from delight, disappointment, hope and concern for the future.
A case of FPTP leading to the less bad option. Labour barely gained anything, and had the same percentage in votes in England as in 2019. Reform splitting the vote and gains in Scotland gave them a big majority, but the electoral system is really broken.
A case of FPTP leading to the less bad option. Labour barely gained anything, and had the same percentage in votes in England as in 2019. Reform splitting the vote and gains in Scotland gave them a big majority, but the electoral system is really broken.
Yeah, it's good to see the back of the Tories but the question is will this Labour government significantly improve the lives of enough people in the country to win comfortably again. They have a massive majority but it could easily fall apart if the right united at the next election. The Greens now have a lot more target seats in play as a more left leaning, anti-austerity party too (I was pleased to see them win four seats).

Scotland, for the last 15 years, always seemed a little volatile and likely to produce three-way split votes. The entire country seems like that, this election, due to more viable options or the bigger parties losing and not increasing popularity.

Speaking of Reform. I cam across this :cry:

By the way, try playing the UK 2017 and 2024 elections here @wasteyouryouth
For the 2017 one, choose winner-take-all, and for 2024 proportional representation (the 2024 one doesn't have all constituencies yet but should be updated soon)


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