Save Game Options: I can't be the only one that wants this feature..

Save Game options in DBC should include:

  • Total voters
You're welcome :) but I'm not supporting a buggy game

It's sad that in spite of getting such a good game after years, we have people not willing to support it. It's not like we are spoilt for choice :(
He's actually part of Razor 1911? Those guys are old, old school :O

Or is he just a member of a facebook group ?
He just 'liked' the facebook group and posted on one of their status updates.

I just searched 'orangzeb warez' and found multiple instances of what looked like him (same avatar and/or 'Nemesis' nickname) supporting piracy on various sites.
Hmmm, leave the guy alone already... There are hundreds of thousands of them, y just focus on one??? They are all ignorant, arrogant prats who all sound the same... We all know the truth here, y go through so much trouble, going through posts and groups and what not... I dont think they are worth wasting your time on...
Hmmm, leave the guy alone already... There are hundreds of thousands of them, y just focus on one??? They are all ignorant, arrogant prats who all sound the same... We all know the truth here, y go through so much trouble, going through posts and groups and what not... I dont think they are worth wasting your time on...

But you said that they didn't know that piracy was wrong. Now you are saying that there are hundreds and thousands of them, all ignorant and arrogant prats.
But you said that they didn't know that piracy was wrong. Now you are saying that there are hundreds and thousands of them, all ignorant and arrogant prats.
I meant on the whole, not just in Pakistan... Plus i said before, those who are aware are the real bad guys... Still stand by what i said about lack of awareness in Pakistan... U simply misunderstood me...
Y do i feel like you're on a personal vendetta against me???
We don't agree on something, fine... But u should let it go man... I have
[QUOTE="Ch0rus, post: 2845845,
Y do i feel like you're on a personal vendetta against me???[/QUOTE]

Not at all, I love you man. Just joking. I just don't think that you should accept that piracy in Pakistan should be tolerated because the people who pirate software don't know any different.
Computers and consoles have been around many years, it's about time that they did know that piracy is wrong. Don't they realise that if everyone pirated as they do, there won't be a software industry eventually?
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[QUOTE="Ch0rus, post: 2845845,
Y do i feel like you're on a personal vendetta against me???

Not at all. I love you man. ;-) I just don't think that you should accept that piracy in Pakistan should be tolerated because the people who pirate software don't know any different.[/QUOTE]
Hehe well that's good to hear :thumbs... Cuz u know what happens when two people reach at an impasse on web forums and keep arguing... Absolutely nothing it just goes on and on without fruition, the only good is to be had by helping each other and others...
Not at all. I love you man. ;-) I just don't think that you should accept that piracy in Pakistan should be tolerated because the people who pirate software don't know any different.
Hehe well that's good to hear :thumbs... Cuz u know what happens when two people reach at an impasse on web forums and keep arguing... Absolutely nothing it just goes on and on without fruition, the only good is to be had by helping each other and others...[/QUOTE]

I will not comment further on the matter. The guy has been banned. That's notice to all who prefer to obtain their software by devious means.
What a prick. rang?


Matt made a wonderful post summing up everything relating to this piracy shit in the other thread that he locked, which under the new forum I can't quote because of that locking, but he said:

Considering how this site is largely dependent on modding the PC versions of cricket games, making sure that the market for PC Cricket games is considered big enough to bother with is of major important to us as a site. That's why we are doing the verification, because we chose to do it as a way to give a carrot to having more of our memberbase purchase the game. Not Big Ant - they implemented modding before we made the decision, we could have chosen to open it up and achieve better visitor numbers on the back of that section.

But the future of our site depends on the future of cricket games on PC. Sure, Big Ant might make some mods happen on consoles, but the huge flexibility we've had to be able to totally transform other cricket games is only possible on PC.

If everyone reading this forum who has played the game on PC, bought the game on PC, then this wouldn't be an issue - the numbers still wouldn't be massive, but they would sustain the cost of porting future releases.

...which is perfect.. and although DBC14 is not, it's the best cricket game we've ever got and unless we all support it and stop making bullshit excuses about piracy, then we won't get any more. It's literally the only chance we have to continue to grow this community, our members and the continued support of cricket as a franchise on PC's depends on the success of this game. Which is great. So go out and buy it. Simple as that.

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