Save Game Options: I can't be the only one that wants this feature..

Save Game options in DBC should include:

  • Total voters
I'd rather sympathize with them than laugh at them

I'm not laughing at them. I'm laughing at the idea a company that makes cricket computer games is being expected to take into account a tiny percentage of it's players that don't have access to regular power. It'd be like me walking to work every morning taking into account the plight of Sherpa's in Nepal and hiring one for my daily commute.
And as has been alluded to before - a power cut during an autosave has the potential to corrupt data.
...well that and I'd personally be more worried about my Console or PC getting fried. I guess surge protectors do a roaring trade in these places?
My intention was never to criticize you; apologies if it appeared that way. And, since I wrote my post before going through the whole thread, I accept I was rather quick to make an assumption. Anyway, as a person who has experienced the power outages I understand how inconvenient they are and when I read your post it appeared to me that you were laughing at the person, not the idea. But now that you have made yourself clear, everything's okay.
Hey, it gave me the chance to make a nice Sherpa joke. You're right, everything is okay.
a tiny percentage of it's players
Now u sure thats true??? As i said, all of Pakistan faces this problem... Are players from Pakistan really just a "tiny" percentage...
Also, there arent really any power surges strong enough to fry your pc or console, never used any xtra equipment, ever...
That savegame problem can occur just as easily when im manually saving after every couple of overs...
Nevertheless its not really funny when u are on the recieving end of such problems, being part of that tiny %age of players... It is a genuine issue for us...
And while i never hoped for the devs to act on it immediately, i did hope that sometime in the future, it could be done.
But people dismissing it as utterely ludicrous, and hillarious just absolutely destroys any chances of it ever happening...
Now u sure thats true??? As i said, all of Pakistan faces this problem... Are players from Pakistan really just a "tiny" percentage...
Also, there arent really any power surges strong enough to fry your pc or console, never used any xtra equipment, ever...

Country / share
United Kingdom / 29%
Australia / 19%
United States / 12%
India / 10%
South Africa / 3%
New Zealand / 3%
Canada / 3%
Pakistan / 2%
Germany / 2%
Russian Federation / 1%
United Arab Emirates / 1%
France / 1%
Brazil / 1%
Netherlands / 1%

Yes, they really are.
Ahan, i thought that might just be the case... That number would've been higher but, piracy is rampant here...
You're welcome :) but I'm not supporting a buggy game .... heck BLC 2005 had less bugs than this....... You keep asking the mods to ban me as I didn't ask for help on this forum since you asked me for steam ID... banning does no good, everyone knows that p.s I'm not the only single person here who doesn't have the green tick here. I'm not asking for any kind of help either :)

Good Day.

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