Shoaib Akhtar - Daily Mail Ball Tampering Allegations

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Chairman of Selectors
Sep 23, 2005
Newark, UK
Online Cricket Games Owned
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His nails aren't even near the seam in this set. The people at the Daily Fail must be blind or retarded, or both...

"but instead of holding it between the thumb and forefinger..."

Laughable, as if there's a rulebook on how to hold the ball.
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His nails aren't even near the seam in this set. The people at the Daily Fail must be blind or retarded, or both...
Mate it's blatant ball tampering. In The first pic (on the website) he is obviously using his thumb nail to work the seam and the second one he's using his middle finger to scuff the ball.

Are you blind or retarded, or both... ?
Mate it's blatant ball tampering. In The first pic (on the website) he is obviously using his thumb nail to work the seam and the second one he's using his middle finger to scuff the ball.

Are you blind or retarded, or both... ?

I mentioned the following in my post:

in this set

I was talking about the 2nd set where they mention he digs his nails into the seam. I never said he wasn't tampering, I pointed out another fail by the Daily Fail. And now I've pointed out another fail at basic literacy by you.

Are you blind or retarded, or both?
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Turns out you were right even though you were trolling.

Of course I was right. I wasn't just trolling. I knew something was fishy. I was the one who called the Sydney test to be fixed at the time also and turns out I was right.

We have 2 pictures of him digging his nails into the seam and one of him standing on the ball. I'm not sure how bad that is but it's definitely tampering to some degree. I'm sure more was done too and not caught.
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Well at least now we know who taught Broad the "step on the ball trick".

Dare added 1 Minutes and 32 Seconds later...

Of course I was right. I wasn't just trolling. I knew something was fishy. I was the one who called the Sydney test to be fixed at the time also and turns out I was right.

████ never knew Nostradamus posted on the forums. Keep it up champ.
^ Haha how clever. I just think it's funny myself because all the Pakistanis were crying and saying I was still bitter....but I was actually 100% right. They were ball tampering. So they can suck it.

I think the ultimate thing here is that Akhtar was TRYING to ball tamper quite blatantly. Hes a known cheat anyway, he got busted for performance enhancing drugs.

Down with the Pakistan team!!!!! Ban the cheats.
I mentioned the following in my post:

I was talking about the 2nd set where they mention he digs his nails into the seam. I never said he wasn't tampering, I pointed out another fail by the Daily Fail. And now I've pointed out another fail at basic literacy by you.

Are you blind or retarded, or both?
My point is why even point it out? It's like you're trying to defend him because you only pointed out the things the daily mail got slightly wrong.

And yeah I guess I did read your post wrong. I'll take the ****** option.
^ Haha how clever. I just think it's funny myself because all the Pakistanis were crying and saying I was still bitter....but I was actually 100% right. They were ball tampering. So they can suck it.

I think the ultimate thing here is that Akhtar was TRYING to ball tamper quite blatantly. Hes a known cheat anyway, he got busted for performance enhancing drugs.

Down with the Pakistan team!!!!! Ban the cheats.

I guess we should ban Broad too, since he did the same thing Akhtar did.
Lol @ irrotev saying ban the cheats though. It'll create unnecessary controversy and will sour the relations between Pak and Eng even further, considering the precedent set by Broad's stepping on the ball :laugh

Also I should clarify that I'm not supporting Akhtar. Although I do support the legalization of some type of ball tampering, it still is wrong if you do it under the current rules.
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I'm just amazed that after all that happens they still have the balls to behave unethically.

Broken record I know but these people are either incredibly stupid or incredibly shameless.
Lol @ irrotev saying ban the cheats though. It'll create unnecessary controversy and will sour the relations between Pak and Eng even further, considering the precedent set by Broad's stepping on the ball :laugh

stepping on the ball has been a trick for the ages. People are making a big tweaking deal out of something that was/is fairly common.
As Wasim once said "and when a fielder stepped on the ball it was like a blessing".
Broad avoided punishment from memory because daddy was a match referee? I think I already expressed my disgust at what Broad did. I think when you do something like this when your side is already surrounded by controversy etc. and have been previously banned for cheating you should get a harsher treatment.
Seriously, people never change. Even after all these years how can they even think about doing these kinda ████? Over and Over and OVER again. They should realize it by now that, you can't get away with it. Specially now a days with better tech and camera.

If they caught you back then, they can defo catch you now.
The ICC just let them offend time after time because they have weak penalties. What else does Pakistan have to do before they'll do something about it? Cricket's reputation has taken a dive of late.
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