Shoaib Akhtar In Trouble

What an idiot. Let this be the end of his career once and for all. Surely even the PCB can't let him off for this one?
What an idiot. Let this be the end of his career once and for all. Surely even the PCB can't let him off for this one?

Well, it was reported in the papers that Gen. Pervez Musharraf who is the patron of the PCB is very displeased with Shoaib Akhtar's behaviour and if reports are to be believed he might have trouble even travelling out of Pakistan in future as his name will be added to an "Exit Control List" of people who will be checked before being allowed to leave the country.
The thing why Shoaib does this sort of stuff is that PCB never punishes him for what he does! Everytime he does something...he gets away with that! This time I heard that PCB are gonna ban him for 5 matches.
Yeah I Think 5 matchs is enough for him because I really wanna see him bowl!! but You know that's how Shoaib Akhtar is
and I still like him
5 matches. I am suprised there weren't any charges against him and he wasn't taken to court. At least 10 matches imo. No play is above authority.
5 matches. I am suprised there weren't any charges against him and he wasn't taken to court. At least 10 matches imo. No play is above authority.

Yes, this is ridiculous. If it was found that he assaulted Asif deliberately, I would have thought the punishment would be far more severe.

Goes to show that if you're a star player or at least seen as a star player, you can get away with almost anything.

the cricket culture of the subcontinent has got to change and we have to stop idolizing "big" players. Otherwise I don't see professionalism in the setup. A lesser player would have almost certainly faced a year-long ban at the very least for what he did.
A single bruise would just an absolutely pedantic and ridiculous assault case.
Assault is still Assault, whether it's a single bruise or ten dozen, you can't hit someone.

Goes to show that if you're a star player or at least seen as a star player, you can get away with almost anything.

He's had quite a bit of luck in this department, hasn't he?
Push as hard as he wants, seems the PCB could let him get away with almost anything :(
Did he really get a 5 match ban? This is disgraceful. To quote Asif Iqbal "are we waiting till he commits mass murder?"
all he is doing is taking up a spot in the 11 from younger bowlers like Gul, hes 32 or close to it and a big problem for the team. Pakistan should just give up on him and move on to some younger prospects and build on the future. I like Shoaib alot he is my fav cricket player but the dude is just a problem wherever he goes.

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