Should M Aamer be shown leniency?

Should Mohammed Amir be shown some leniency if found guilty?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 32.1%
  • No

    Votes: 38 67.9%

  • Total voters
Maybe say, a 2-3 year ban on playing for his country, but he can still play at domestic level to keep his developement going. Obviously it's a tough road ahead for him and it's now up to him whether he wants to be a star or not.
I think a 1 year ban is fine. He is a great young bowler. Unfortunate though that he got caught up in all this mess.
1 year is nothing. Sometimes Pakistan barely play much in one year. He'll miss a couple of series and that's it. Give him a one year ban from domestic cricket and a three year ban from International cricket.
So you are 18 years old from a humble background, allegedly your manager and senior players are telling you to do a no ball, telling you that it is not going to make any difference to the game and you will X amount of money. Of course you are going to get influenced and be led astray. It doesn't make what he did right but there are mitigating circumstances.

He does deserve to be punished, forever his reputation will now be tarnished no matter what he does, there will always be questions about him. The other people involved in this need the book throwing at them.
I personally think that 20 years is a good banning for him. He will be able to come back and re ignite his Test career then, and serving a longish sentence will teach him not to do it again when he returns.

Yeah, he'll still be 28 in 20 years right? Considering he's been 18 for 3.:p
Would we be lenient on him if he was a ████ bowler ? Anyway, my take on this is to give him a 5 year ban.
3 years ban atleast from all sort of cricket and fine him with a heavy money so he will learn the lesson if he is not of Asif's class.
For me, it should depend on whether Amir engaged in this affair intentionally.

If the bookmakers lured him in to trap by disguising themselves then he's not to blame. Bookmakers have that ability to extract match information out of a player, posing as an anonymous fan and he could easily be sucked in.

However, if Amir co-operated with the man in question willingly, then there is a serious decision to be made. You might have to make a horrible decision to remove him from the game to show anybody you can't put the game in doubt like this, and that there will be punishments for anyone who does. Amir certainly can't be treated differently because of his age. He is an international cricketer and has the same responsibilities as anyone who plays international cricket.

I don't think Amir or anyone else will be banned since the PCB aren't going to stick to there laurels and keep players banned. Plus, the ICC only banned Marlon Samuels for 2 years after he was caught on camera blatantly talking to a bookmaker.
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he came into a team of older guys, no one his own age to turn to, these older players were obviously going to be intimidating to him. then there's the majeed guy, he's going to be super intimidating if he has criminal connections. You're called up, away from home and friends, and you have this mafia like guy telling you to bowl no-balls?

I would say 2 years, if he co-operates in the investigations of course.

StinkyBoHoon added 0 Minutes and 33 Seconds later...

I remember very clearly when the Pakis come down under, his name was Aamer.

australian method of spelling is throwing alphabet soup at the wall though :/
No. Sorry but I don't see how you can be lenient in the circumstances. Give him a life ban it'll sure make anyone think twice before making the same mistake as him.

Life Ban.

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