Shravan's Signatures and Wallpapers(Requests:Off)

Excellent again Shravi!!! You are doing a great job in wallpapers with cool bg effects!!!:happy
Ricky Ponting:


Cheers for the Anderson sig Shravi, it's great. Also kudos on the Ponting one as well; The shadowing works very well. I must say that you are excellent at wallpapers pal, and probably the best wallpaper maker on PC at this moment in time. Keep up your excellent standard of work and I hope to see some more quality wallpapers from you in the future.
excellent work Shravi again.... Supreb quality picture, cutting, Shadow effects and as usual superb bg color effects!!! Reps for ur excellent efforts mate!! :happy
Thank you for the comments guys. It really helps:). I can get to those requests a lot faster now as I am on holiday for a week so post your requests:).
Hey Shravi, im really impressed with these, and i was wondering if i could have a background.

Could you split it, one half Shane Warne and the other Kevin Pietersen. Could the split be Diagonally down the page so the top left bit would be Warne and the bottem right be KP?

Thanks, Simbazz!
Ok I might not be able to get to that request today as it is my birthday but I'll try when I get back home:).

In the meantime, I made this Stephen Fleming Wallpaper:

Flemings's wall paper(especially second one) is amazing..excellent...superb... then what words to describe it...( I am runing out of ) :hpraise :hpraise :hpraise

Well done Shravi, Keep up the greatest work :)
I shall make the sig soon RIPPA MATE. I have made Simbazz's wallpaper in the meantime.

good wallpapers SHravan.... especially the tech brushes used... cud u plz tell me which tech brush pack that is

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