Chairman of Selectors
Nice sigs Simbazz! There a big improvement! well done
reps for you :happy

pinchinator said:Simo ya gansta could ya do me a animated sig one slide black with some gray lines with text ><McPinch>< and another one with a Man City logo and text going go vist Pinch's stories now!!!
What are you talking about?rabeta said:The animation sigs are seriously one of your best pieces of work, love pinch's one especially, very good border and love the overall look of the sig. Also, I like the ext, not too over-the-top lol. But why ruin all your hard work with the last sig. it really is awful no offence, the text is terrible, the stock is low quality, and the text is over-the-top! I would take it off if I was you becasue your other two are very good! Well done with the animation sigs, like the bg on the the first one as well, remove the last sig and I will give you reps