Simbazz's Graphic Shop (Requests; OFF!!!!)

Such a shame, what a guy!


Comments please...
Very nice sig simo, very good but the font in top left i do not like render was cut well and the text Lara"the font is nice" but it is a bit dark on the face, try and lighten it there but overall i like the sig. Nice try kust keep up the very good work.
I feel, text doesnt suit that well with sig. And, a small windies logo in empty right corner wud have enhanced this great sig a bit more... Nice work on a great man :)
Thanks for the kind words boys...

Version 2


Comments please?
The logo is too big and the font in top left corner is not very good, but because the logo is too big it makes it harder to see lara's name. Prefer version 1.
Jaztheman said:
The logo is too big and the font in top left corner is not very good, but because the logo is too big it makes it harder to see lara's name. Prefer version 1.

Thanks for the advice Nobz :p :D
pinchinator said:
thats better but you need his name better Suren KUTGW Suren

are u sure its " Suren " :p its Simo btw Pinchu :laugh

Regarding version 2, still text needs improvement especially " Thanks for memories " is bit hard to read. And logo, i feel it cud be bit more bright still... i have a idea... Make " Lara " to appear above in center of the logo with white font. And " thanks for memories " in bottom right corner which cud have enough space for writing it bit bigger! Just my opinion though :)
Battle Sig V. KX


Sorry it was so late :p

Comments please...:)
I really like version 2 of the Lara sig. The logo is good.
I dont really like the Muralitharan one. I dont really liek the text nor the effect around the outside of the render.
The bg is very good though
Well done on your latest sigs.
don't like the stroke around murali...remove that and it will looks much better...maybe the srilankan logo behind him or sumthin...

House MD is in my opinion the best thing to come out of America, well besides Friends and me :p

Comments please!


A Pete Wentz sig, :) Comments would be really helpful.

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