Simbazz's Graphic Shop (Requests; OFF!!!!)

Simbazz said:

House MD is in my opinion the best thing to come out of America, well besides Friends and me :p
I love house. Watch it like, every tuesday!
You were born in the land of Uncle Sam, Simo?
Sig is nice, just I don't like the effect in the middle where half his face is feathered off..
Nice on the whole.
Cricketman93 said:
I love house. Watch it like, every tuesday!
You were born in the land of Uncle Sam, Simo?
Sig is nice, just I don't like the effect in the middle where half his face is feathered off..
Nice on the whole.

Nope, born in the land of the English :p Moved over there when i was one or so, came back before i was 10 :)

I have an American citizenship(passport) thought :) I class myself as an American.
Simbazz said:
Nope, born in the land of the English :p Moved over there when i was one or so, came back before i was 10 :)

I have an American citizenship(passport) thought :) I class myself as an American.
Yeah same.
Born in India, moved here when I was 7 and have been here ever since.
Just got my american citezenship, but I class myself as 100% Indian with an American Accent :p
Before the US i lived in a lot of other countries too, Aussiland, England, backwards order :p

Just a new style kind of thing going on here, just trying it out...comments please :)
Not to bad.
The bg is effective and its all pretty good. But it just looks odd with just 'symonds' so small and high up
Well done though.
Ive decided to continue my seach for a good shane watson sig. If possible can i have a sig where he is batting on the left side and bowling on the right side both in australian colours in the same style as your current sig but with only the name no writing underneath i know this may be a pain in the rear but i would love you to have a go at it

using the same sort of render i think it is as my current sig (like colour and stuff)

Griffo said:
Ive decided to continue my seach for a good shane watson sig. If possible can i have a sig where he is batting on the left side and bowling on the right side both in australian colours in the same style as your current sig but with only the name no writing underneath i know this may be a pain in the rear but i would love you to have a go at it

using the same sort of render i think it is as my current sig (like colour and stuff)


Yep matey, ill get on with that this minute, for once im not being sarcastic, i have nothing else to be doing :p
awesome thanks dude ill be waiting... if i fall asleep im sorry but the crickets on :)

so i should stay awake

Here it is, i didnt do it exactly the same, and i didnt stick a gradient map on it as it looked crap, if you want me to change anything tell me what and i will :)


Copy the link above!
probably just needs to be brighter with yellow and stuff i dont know if it will look bad or not but give it a try

also put Shane Watson instead of Watson but with the same font and capital and size
Here is a Andrew Flintoff sig....
Version 1

Version 2

Comments please.
Here is a sig i am quite proud of, comments please :)

Simbazz said:
Here is a sig i am quite proud of, comments please :)


You should be proud , that is one of ur classics , i also love the Freddie too SImbo .Reps for you :cheers

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