Skysports Tv Style?


Club Cricketer
Feb 16, 2005
Online Cricket Games Owned
Hi i was wondering if anyone was making the skyports tv overlay for cricket 2005?
If people were making it now some decent patches would be on these forums for when the game is released!
If anyone could tell me anything about this topic reply asap!
Also if someone is making it and has some screenshots could they please release them thanks!
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i think its a bit too early to make sky sports tv overlay. Also i think you mean decent and not diccent!
b4771e9666bd63f6b6207e0ac79471e7.rfe is the pause menu and 0efb67fd69cca0ae5edf0aeed6fa83c6.rfe is the TV overlay so we know what to edit.
Actually 7ac69a95d810236a72e073135195d310.big seems to have the TV Graphics in, its a big file but can be opened and edited in Wordpad and you can see the scorebox thing at the top.

The problem at the moment is importing images files into the correct .fsh file to be used in game.
Myself and a certain Mr Ste Cooper have been hard at work all morning and into the early afternoon, and have this screenshot to present to you all.

Now I know it doesn't look like much but it took bloody ages to figure out.

If anyone tells me that the Sky Sports infobar is supposed to be along the bottom, not some crappy little square at the top, then I'll cry.

Seriously though, TV patches are a real possibility - even though I spent most of this morning tellig Ste it wasn't possible.

We found a way. Course we did.


  • yarrr.jpg
    14.1 KB · Views: 88
the Sky Sports infobar is supposed to be along the bottom, not some crappy little square at the top :D

joke good 1st effort, good luck in your next few goes, if anybody can tell me how i wouldnt mind having a go, have done alot of skinning for football games

At the moment we're (well, I'm) not totally sure if they way we did this is the best way. At the moment it is VERY complicated. Hopefully the method will be refined. When we have it all sorted out, we'll share the knowledge!

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