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Hello there, I downloaded your england test kit and it says in the read me file "Tops Modern 5" but top modern 5 is I doing something wrong or?

it's zero based, so the file named 5 is actually pattern 6 in the game.

0 file = 1 in game, 1 file = 2 in game etc.
it's zero based, so the file named 5 is actually pattern 6 in the game.

0 file = 1 in game, 1 file = 2 in game etc.

I went through quite a lot of the patterns and non of them seemed to have the logos show up on the test kit but they showed up on the ODI kit...also I downloaded his ENGWC2015 kit and in the readme it says "current 4" and in game it is current pattern 4 not 5...I'm so sorry for this I probably seem like a complete tool but modding for this game just seems back to front to me!

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