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To prevent Windows from prompting you for a password at startup:

1. Click Start, point to Settings, click Control Panel, and then double-click Network.
2. On the Configuration tab, click Windows Logon in the Primary Network Logon box, and then click OK.
3. When you are prompted to restart your computer, click No.
4. In Control Panel, double-click Passwords.
5. On the Change Passwords tab, click Change Windows Password, select any of the check boxes that you want, and then click OK.

NOTE: If you cancel the network logon dialog box when you start your computer, the Change Passwords tab may not be available. You must log on so that the Change Passwords tab is available.
6. In the Change Windows Password dialog box, type your current Windows password in the Old Password box. Leave the New Password and Confirm New Password boxes blank, click OK, and then click OK.

NOTE: If you have forgotten your old password, view the following article in the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
189126 (Microsoft policy about lost or forgotten passwords ) Microsoft's Policy Regarding Missing or Invalid Passwords
7. On the User Profiles tab, verify that the All users of this PC use the same preferences and desktop settings option is selected, and then click Close.
8. Click Start, point to Search (or Find), and then click For Files or Folders.
9. Type *.pwl in the Named box, click Local Hard Drives in the Look in box, and then press ENTER.
10. Right-click one of the .pwl files, click Rename, and then rename the file with an .old file name extension. Repeat this step for each .pwl file.

NOTE: If you do not rename the .pwl files, the passwords from those files may be detected by Windows and the Windows Logon request may continue to appear.
11. Shut down and then restart your computer.

Source: How to Prevent a Windows 95, Windows 98, or Windows Me Logon Prompt at Startup

Another tool that can be used is Tweak UI. It has settings to control the behaviour of the logon screen.

I directly jumped to Point 9 :p and deleted all those .pwl files and on restart the Enter Network Password login screen came but not the Windows password login screen.

i have a problem with keyboard....
all keys are working fine including all arrow keys but when i tried it on games like CR and PES,then up+left key is not working,but individually,all four are working and simultaneously also except up+left....

can you post some fixes for that..

I directly jumped to Point 9 :p and deleted all those .pwl files and on restart the Enter Network Password login screen came but not the Windows password login screen.


Cheers! :)
Been ages since I've used Win98.. Didn't remember a thing, luckily a quick search got me this result.

Abhas added 3 Minutes and 26 Seconds later...

Nabeel.. Which windows?
Go to Start menu, Run.
Type Control Keyboard and press enter

Check the repeat delay and rate. Fiddle around with them, sometimes this thing could happen due to it being too slow.
Check the game settings if you can find anything.

Have you tried another keyboard?
Well if its CR then it depends you are using Up+left or Left+Up because Left+Up will get no response in the game.

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