Sony Vaio


ICC Chairman
Jul 27, 2005
How are Vaios?
I actually have a pretty good deal for one right now - 3GB RAM, 250 GB Hard Drive, Intel Core 2 Duo Processor @ 2.0Ghz - for about $700. My desktop *finally* conked off after 8 years of use and abuse, and a day later my crappy $450-Thanksgiving deal special-Compaq laptop literally blew up.

So i'm looking for something to replace them both. I've knocked it down to the The Vaio because the specs are awesome and Sony is a pretty good name. I won't by another HP/Compaq after the explosion and horrible service I got, I swear the thing didn't last more then a month off warantee. My dad doesn't want to buy a Dell for some reason. We don't want a Mac as it isn't in our price range, looking for something that's $850 tops.

I've read some reviews of the Vaio and they havn't been as good as I'd hoped. Can anyone chime in with an opinion?
How are Vaios?
I actually have a pretty good deal for one right now - 3GB RAM, 250 GB Hard Drive, Intel Core 2 Duo Processor @ 2.0Ghz - for about $700. My desktop *finally* conked off after 8 years of use and abuse, and a day later my crappy $450-Thanksgiving deal special-Compaq laptop literally blew up.

So i'm looking for something to replace them both. I've knocked it down to the The Vaio because the specs are awesome and Sony is a pretty good name. I won't by another HP/Compaq after the explosion and horrible service I got, I swear the thing didn't last more then a month off warantee. My dad doesn't want to buy a Dell for some reason. We don't want a Mac as it isn't in our price range, looking for something that's $850 tops.

I've read some reviews of the Vaio and they havn't been as good as I'd hoped. Can anyone chime in with an opinion?
Mine's Vaio. Pretty cool.
My friend has a Dell laptop and it works great. But as your dad doesn't want it ... Have you checked Lenovo? I've heard that Vaios aren't great BTW.

I don't know about laptops but my old HP PC (about 12 years old) is still working without a problem.
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Picked up a Vaio FW from Best Buy.

Intel Core 2 Duo Processor at 2.16GHZ
250GB Hard Drive
4GB Ram
Windows Vista Home Premium
16.4 Inch High Def display, 1080p resolution.

at $700, that's a steal. :D


Havn't opened it yet, will tomorrow. Inaugurate it on Obama's inauguration day. :p
Sounds Cool !! looks quite good as well :)

I hope the windows is 64bit.. You don't want to lose out on 1 gb ram if you are using a 32 bit OS.

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