Sound Patch v0.2 released - check 1st post

@JohnAdams: I'd suggest trying it twice like the chap above. I can't see any reason for it to crash as it is just sound files. There is something odd going on in the game like magic number generation or something which makes it crash the first time I reckon, but try again and see if it works.
Hi Chestnut, there seems to be a slight delay between the ball hitting the bat and the sound (just enough to be off-putting). Maybe that's just the quality of the youtube video?
just want to say
nice efforts - but needs improvements
I've given it a go now as well.
First impressions would be that the umpires now seem to be on helium... (as addressed by you already)
I think the stump sound is now OTT. It sounds like someone is actually breaking them. Could just be a balance issue though. I'd like to try it with slightly lower volume for both.
How many new sounds have you actually added?
OffStump said:
Hi Chestnut, there seems to be a slight delay between the ball hitting the bat and the sound (just enough to be off-putting). Maybe that's just the quality of the youtube video?

Yes blame utube for that. In my vid the sound is in perfect sync. Just in utube it sounds off. :rolleyes: lol

lol barmyarmy your helium remark made me :laugh
barmyarmy said:
I've given it a go now as well.
First impressions would be that the umpires now seem to be on helium... (as addressed by you already)
I think the stump sound is now OTT. It sounds like someone is actually breaking them. Could just be a balance issue though. I'd like to try it with slightly lower volume for both.
How many new sounds have you actually added?
The sounds I have changed are:
- the 10 "drive" sounds, as called by Codies (when you middle the ball)
- the 10 "mistime" sounds
- the 6 or so edge sounds
- the 15 or so stump sounds

I've some helmet ones, some pad ones etc.

I had a bit of a brain fart when I was sampling the sounds which was to normalise them all but it turns out that was a bit stupid s I now have no idea how loud they were on the original recording in comparison to each other. Mind you, the game probably does different volumes for different effect so they would still need balancing.

Is anyone else having problems with the game crashing when using the new patch or is it just John and that other chap who mentioned it?
lazy_chesnut said:
Is anyone else having problems with the game crashing when using the new patch or is it just John and that other chap who mentioned it?

Yes, I am. It gets as far as the loading screen for the match and then CTD.
barmyarmy said:
I've given it a go now as well.
First impressions would be that the umpires now seem to be on helium... (as addressed by you already)
I think the stump sound is now OTT. It sounds like someone is actually breaking them. Could just be a balance issue though. I'd like to try it with slightly lower volume for both.
How many new sounds have you actually added?
If you're worried about the kind of smashing or snapping sound of the stumps, these are sounds sampled from real cricket TV broadcasts. The reasons they don't sound like leather hitting wood are:
- mics are placed right behind the stumps so stump sounds are very loud and have the gain up very high to be able to hear umpires, players, etc. so when a ball hits it's bloody loud.
- stumps in test cricket are made of fibre-glass rather than wood, so make that kind of sound.

Also, I'm using new ambient sounds which are louder than the original ones so that could be affecting our perceptions of the patch.

Next up are:
- umpires not on helium any more
- new helmet, pad, and maybe body blow sounds
- slightly updated bat sounds (less copied ones, all now individual)
- slightly updated stump sounds (less copied, not totally individual as of yet, but getting there)
- bounce sounds a lot quieter (you can actually hear the ball bounce on the TV but it's very quiet)
- defensive shot sounds
- new "swing" sounds (where batsman swipes at the ball - will be real life sounds)

All to be released in the next week I would imagine.

That will make up the finished SpotFX sounds I reckon - so after that it'll be onto crowd/player sounds. They will take a while as there are different regions so I'll be doing England first (actually the England ambient sounds are done, just a few more of the crowd reaction sounds to do - about 25% complete).

For other areas of the world I'm going to need to get on YouTube or something. For the England sounds I've got over 8 hours of Ashes 05 footage to go through which makes it easy - as for WI, India and Australia, it's going to be a bit harder. I might just have to stop there but release the editor for people to use themselves if I can't get decent samples for other regions.
can someone plz post the original files..i 4got to backup my original files.

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