Spot Fixing Scandal Thread: The Legend Continues

Even if charges are not pressed, I hope people realize a crime was still committed. Just because NOTW did not actually place the bet does not mean these guys should get away with it!

Absoloutely, These players need to go. The only way to clean this up is to wipe off completely.

Look at this rate with the team Pakistan fields they arent going to win anything in the next 5 years anyways. ICC should step in and ban all members of the Pakistan squad for the last two years.

There are enough youngsters to field a team for Pakistan who are uncapped. Sure it wouldnt be a good team but atleast there will be cricket. That is a better option then Banning Pakistan alltogether since it will atleast not punish the fans too much (who are the true victims here)
Even if charges are not pressed, I hope people realize a crime was still committed. Just because NOTW did not actually place the bet does not mean these guys should get away with it!

There may not be enough evidence to prove it in the court but its certainly enough to know that these people were involved. I just hope Kamran Akmal gets trapped (provided he is as guilty as it seems)
Hmmm. PCB taking News of the world to court!!!!! Wow.:mad:

Look at the comments from Mr Rizvi:

?It is very disappointing, especially the way the British police reacted without having any concrete evidence. They merely acted in response to a newspaper report without establishing facts and the truth as far as our players were concerned."

The whole point of arresting someone on suspicion of x offence, is to establish facts. Maybe now I understand the mass corruption in Pakistan, no one can be arrested until 100% conclusive evidence has been found. Perfect protection.

I don't see how any sane minded person can look at that video and deny it.

Quote from Watson comes to mind

"whether it's in their culture I'm not exactly sure. I don't know how deep it runs."
Kamran Akmal has gotten away...he's no longer part of the investigation.

That sucks, this was the best opportunity to get rid of this scumbag.
Cricket: Reid calls for Pakistan to be banned - Cricket - NZ Herald News

Former New Zealand captain and match referee John Reid says Pakistan should be thrown out of international cricket.


Spot-fixing may be due to threat from bookies: Lawson -

"People have been quick to judge the Pakistani cricketers, but what is happening might have nothing to do with money. If these allegations of fixing are proved, it could be related to extortion, threats, and the well-being of their own family members," Lawson wrote in his column in Sydney Morning Herald.
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How can anyone assume that these are the only seven players involved. As far as i am concerned pull everyone.

If matches are to conitnue, cap 11 new players from Pakistan A team, yes it almost certainly means that Pakistan will be defeated heavily in the world cup, but thats the only way!!

ICC Should take the following action

*Continued membership of Pakistan would mean no more PCB
*ICC will create Regime to oversee cricket in Pakistan
*ICC will base a selection commitee, and oversee all cricket operation for the time being
*All players who have played for Pakistan for the last year receive a minimum 2 year bBan.
*All Players named receive a lifetime ban.

Its the only way.

Furthermore Government of Pakistan should press treason chrages on players proven to have commited match or spot fixing.

Its the only way!!!

wow. your solution: 11 new caps for new players and a cap in the ass for the all the old ones.

StinkyBoHoon added 2 Minutes and 31 Seconds later...

I don't see how any sane minded person can look at that video and deny it.

no, of course they can't. I am kind of laughing at people who are saying "not guilty until proven" I mean, I'm sorry but if the judicial system finds them innocent of everything then it's because the judicial system is rubbish. I'm not going to be a slave to everything the state tells me (growing up through iraq's and afghanistan's occupation has taught me that)

StinkyBoHoon added 2 Minutes and 11 Seconds later...

Lawson is right, I would want such excuses proven though, but it would not be the first time pakistani players have had family members threatened. NZ's officials are a pain in the neck getting. They are always over-reacting and whining lately.
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They might not get him on fixing

but they will get him on laundering. Now if only they can get him to talk and talk fully, then we would have something

ZeeL4J8C2 added 0 Minutes and 58 Seconds later...

Mazhar Majeed arrested again:

Pakistan match-fixing claims: Mazhar Majeed arrested over 'money-laundering' claims - Telegraph

Also, Aamer/Amir rejected the allegations on some Pakistani news channel, saying that it is a conspiracy.

I wonder what the odds of guessing 3 straight no balls would

Higher then the lottery
I doubt you'll get him on the betting scam charges because there is no proof that him asking Asif and Amir to bowl the no balls has adversely damaged any bookies. As the bookies in which they bet are illegal underground ones on the subcontinent.

However I still think that the ICC has enough to ban the players involved. For me the video is enough evidence that Asif and Amir were definitely involved and if the phones have information that Asif or Amir were in contact with the Fixer then that would probably be enough for the ICC to act.
Yea I'll try to dig it up, Majeed puts 10k in his jacket, takes it off and Riaz puts it on

Mark added 0 Minutes and 29 Seconds later...

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Yea I'll try to dig it up, Majeed puts 10k in his jacket, takes it off and Riaz puts it on

Mark added 0 Minutes and 29 Seconds later...

thanks Mark.
Well it seems that there is no escaping for Riaz. Caught in the act and there is no better proof.
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Wow, Amir claims the allegations are not true!
Hope he is innocent. Other Cricketers, I don't really care. :D

What do you mean you hope he is innocent, its clear as day that he is not. Is it possible to call a spade a spade in Pakistan?

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