Sri Lanka tour of England - Limited Overs Cricket (May - June)

@Aalay made an excellent point a few posts back

If it is so terribly against the spirit of the game (its NOT) then scrap the rule !!
I don't see the problem at all. Senanayake gave him a warning, which is following the spirit of cricket. He's well within his rights to run him out after that and the blame should be going to Buttler for allowing it to happen.

Agree with this. The uproar is stupid


Also this thread is in the wrong place so I'll move it when I'm on a desktop, just a warning if you can't find it later
I do not think that is against the spirit of the game. Butler tried to gain the unfair advantage which is obviously against the true spirit of the game. Senanayake attempted to run him out only after warning him which too is not required as stated in the rule so obviously what Senanayake did was absolutely correct.

What will be against the spirit of the game not walking off when you thick edged to the slip but then again, technically it is umpire's job to give the batsman out which does not mean not walking off in that situation is in the spirit of sportsmanship. Btw, I just found an interesting video.

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It's an interesting one. I don't see the fuss personally, it's within the laws of the game and there has been a definite trend in ODIs and T20s of batsmen stealing a few inches so maybe if a few more bowlers tried it then batsmen might actually stay in their crease like they are supposed to.
The game's batsman friendly enough as it is
To be honest it's baffling that anyone is questioning the bowlers running him out here. To me the questions should be on Jos for going prematurely, despite being warned.

The English are a classy bunch though aren't they:

To be clear on this I think the mankad is just wrong even though it's not illegal. Like cuddling your sister whilst watching a film.
- Graham Swann [@Swannyg66], Twitter

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