Steam update for DBC17 released

If possible it'd be nice to see you stream at least a session on Twitch showcasing the problem. Should certainly be helpful to the devs and testers in locating the issue.

I can't stream. My internet upload speed is too bad. And recording an entire session Fraps would probably be about 300gb and it causes fps drops if I have it running all the time... I might look into other options later but for now my thumb hurts from bowling so much spin recently. :lol

And sorry but I don't buy the "all cricket games can be broken" argument. How many cricket games were ever actively patched with the help of the community? (if they were patched at all). I completely disagree with giving the AI any leeway while patching is still in progress, we should be trying to identify as many problems as possible and see if we can get them fixed. If at the end of the day Big Ant says they can't be fixed or they're just going to stop patching then we can talk about giving the game leeway...

Again, not that I think putting in some close fielders and bowling at the stumps should be considered in any way exploiting or cheesing the game...
can you try backing up your dbc document folder, delete it and replace it with ootb or get best and try again, i mean i have had bat pads but nothing of the scale you are getting. so we can see if its anomaly,
Really disappointed right now. Took a wicket with Tahir and he just casually took high fives from his team mates. What kind of cricket game does not address his celebration?? Mr Ross and BA please fix this thanks...

Oh and maybe add that Klinsmann celebration for the last WI wicket yesterday.
Have any of the guys playing the beta and having issues with bat pads. How about turning Reflex catching down and maybe lowering agility? Would that help. I have noticed on xbone that the better the team the more unbelievable the catches are. I don't know if it would help but it might.
Have any of the guys playing the beta and having issues with bat pads. How about turning Reflex catching down and maybe lowering agility? Would that help. I have noticed on xbone that the better the team the more unbelievable the catches are. I don't know if it would help but it might.
This is exactly what has been done.....they have toned pads down and made reflex catching harder but if you are determined to play with close fielders all around then you are going to unfortunately perhaps exploit an AI weakness...every single game has have to find a work-around be honest we go on about bat pads....they are then made and we go on about how they are ruining the game......I mean I feel for BA I really do......either play the game in a way that it works for you or don't play the game.....this game will never be perfect and they have done the utter utter best to get a balance.....
This illustrates the complexity of the issues. Most people are not experiencing anything like @Spoobir. it's therefore very hard to even identify the problem, much less solve it.


The only way to truly test patch is as follows

Everyone plays with identical setups

Same batting / bowling difficulty
Same AI difficulty
Same default fields (no custom ones)
Same pitch type
Same teams
Same player attributes
Same format (e.g. Test or T20)

Etc etc etc

Everyone plays at least 3+ matches (no simming)

Every one gives feedback
BA acts on feedback and releases new beta etc

Repeat this for all different batting /bowling/AI levels and all different pitch types and different team skill levels etc and we might get closer to what we all want (well actually, what do we all want other than saying 'better AI, more challenging gameplay' etc )

For me issue is there is no test scripts people are adhering to so feedback is based on such an overwhelming variety of gameplay setups I am amazed BA fix anything tbh
@MattW Online saved game invite system broke. The opponent is not getting invites for resuming a saved game. It was fine earlier, something has gone wrong now. Please look into this :)
Only need a silly mid-on.
yes and we know the slam into the pads is giving silly mid on too many if you have a silly mid on in too much he will be given too many chances, generally from spinners....should this be the case, perhaps not but it you have to either be creative and find a solution that works for you or be dissatisfied with the results.
Obviously I don't own pc but I think because I've made so many custom teams with huge ability differences and on different levels and with different teams I get quite a variety of happenings that are defInitely attribute related. I was planning to redo them but I'll wait for the console patch as I have a feeling I'm not going to need it. It can be a right ball ache to find a balance. I have sympathy and gratitude for BAs post release work. What works great on default settings can be messed up big time by attributes or modified settings.
yes and we know the slam into the pads is giving silly mid on too many if you have a silly mid on in too much he will be given too many chances, generally from spinners....should this be the case, perhaps not but it you have to either be creative and find a solution that works for you or be dissatisfied with the results.

Ok so if it's actually recognised as an issue why are so many people here telling me I'm delusional or must have broken the game or something? Are they all just playing with no close fielders and trolling me?

I'm guessing all this talk means the console patch is submitted so no more interim updates? Well lord help the mods of this forum if console players (there are far more of them than PC) start getting the same results I have with spinners and the only response is "lol just don't have any close fielders".

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