Steam update for DBC17 released

Really can't wait for the console patch. If these are the games your getting wow must be such a step up from the original game released in December.

My tip to you sir WealeyH if you get to the last over try blocking the remaining delivery's ;)

Haha to win I need to go at 3.6 for the rest of the day. Although the fields are making it awkward. However it massively goes flat with the old ball.[DOUBLEPOST=1494882069][/DOUBLEPOST]
Try speaking to someone after they've dropped two sitters.

Yes maybe I should have phrased it better. "Is anyone finding the new catching mechanic too difficult?"

Takes practise... we have Dave drops everything!
You know i may sound annoying but can anyone confirm if late cut to spinners resulting in superhuman WK catching the ball has been sorted or not? I know i have asked this couple of times but havent fetched an answer.

Any input would be appreciated

not sure it's entirely eliminated, but it's improved significantly. i've certainly played some successfully and reverse sweeps too.
Is anyone annoyed at this new difficult catching mechanic? I am dropping some absolute sitters here. It doesnt even give you enough time to line the circle up. Surely it should change depending on how difficult the chance is or how bad the fielder is.

we have suggested a slider for this difficulty... don't know if it will make it in. @mikeymerren @MattW

i struggled too, but it may be due to the pc quality - don't know how good yours is?
there is just not enough time to address what is going on, especially with console players impatient for a result.

Yeah, how dare we? :p

we have suggested a slider for this difficulty... don't know if it will make it in. @mikeymerren @MattW

i struggled too, but it may be due to the pc quality - don't know how good yours is?

Sounds like it's gone from too easy to a bit too hard, but to be fair to BA, he didn't state the difficulty level. This would definitely be a prime candidate for an awesome slider, but I guess everything except the kitchen sink has been asked for.
we have suggested a slider for this difficulty... don't know if it will make it in. @mikeymerren @MattW

i struggled too, but it may be due to the pc quality - don't know how good yours is?

Got a pretty big gaming rig. Veteran level. Yes a slider would be nice but whether this is something people will wait for ...
Got a pretty big gaming rig. Veteran level. Yes a slider would be nice but whether this is something people will wait for ...

Well hopefully BA wouldn't give them a choice.

It's the bowling difficulty that effects the reaction catch - from easiest being no change and getting progressively shorter from there.

My ideal would be bowling on hard or hardest and catching on medium. I hope this is looked at.
I've been following this thread with interest the past few weeks -Just thought I'd log on to say thanks to all the beta testers and others who have put in so much time into improving the Game - promising to know it's been in good hands and everyone's effort is appreciated.

Cricket gaming has came a long way if we think back - such a difficult game to sim but great to read that that immersion and feel appears to be finally there with the like of varying conditions/pitches, various types of edges, unreal range of batting shots and deliveries and the gameplay with AI including tight test matches going right into the 5th day with realistic scoring rates and play........

...Credit again to the Bigant team on putting the resources into patching and continually refining the game and delivering. I really hope this turns into a great franchise for them.

So looking forward to getting stuck into the game in a few weeks time - My PC is currently in storage (waiting to move house)
This illustrates the complexity of the issues. Most people are not experiencing anything like @Spoobir. it's therefore very hard to even identify the problem, much less solve it.

Well I've experienced the same thing in career mode. Yes, I'm repeating myself but I don't want people to think Spoobir is on his pat malone.
I should point out though that in many areas the game is spot on. The batting is great. The AI now sets intelligent fields. The bowling is genuinely interesting inspite of the batpad situation. The AI shot selection is for the most part excellent.

But there are problems:

Batpad issue discussed at length above.

Sometimes fields don't stick. I had an instance where I changed it three times and the field simply wouldn't stick, not until I bowled a delivery and then it was fine.

The screen - or half of it - sometimes goes all soft focus. I have no idea why. It's like watching the bowler coming in through a fog.

The dynamic lineups is a bit broken. I've mentioned the issue above.

But the game, overall, is 90% there. I live in Melbourne and work in the city so I'd be happy to wander into BA offices and stand over their shoulder and stare at them without blinking until they fix the issues I've described above.
Any idea when the patch 4 for consoles is releasing. Seriously, BA kept their promise for the patch on pc, but they said they would do it for consoles as well.

There isn't even any official word from the BA people. What's happened? Has Ross gone on vacation again? :p
I don't really care about animation quirks to be honest. There are very few video games that will look great zoomed right in with super slowmo. Core gameplay is what we need to work on and right now the bat-pads and the AI playing too many lofted shots are what is killing test matches.
To a certain degree sure but it's really bad in those clips.

Got any feedback to offer on the interim patches?

I'm sure Big Ant would appreciate some of your constructive, meaningful feedback.

Nah, I have no desire to help big ant again after Ross' childish outburst.[DOUBLEPOST=1494892188][/DOUBLEPOST]
Any idea when the patch 4 for consoles is releasing. Seriously, BA kept their promise for the patch on pc, but they said they would do it for consoles as well.

There isn't even any official word from the BA people. What's happened? Has Ross gone on vacation again? :p

End of April
Yeah I knew that. are we still in April or what??

To be fair BA made it clear that they would be doing interim fixes in May for PC until they were happy with the build. Then they would release a patch 4 on console. As you can tell from 1,500 posts the interim builds have needed work.
I had bat pad issues with the patch but after the latest one it's definitely toned down to great extent that the balance is really good..I really feel like I have to work for my wickets now..Haven't had any to the slips yet though but the game is really well balanced for sure..

Also please correct the close cam running in the upcoming patch @MattW
The bat-pad issues, as well as the keeper catching everything (which admittedly looks somewhat fixed) looks to be due to the amazing anticipation and reflexes of the fielders, along with their ability to cover 5+ meters in the space of a fraction of a second... I wonder if there's a fielder reaction time value once the ball is hit to when the fielders start to move that could be tweaked or something like that. I imagine it's a hard balance to strike as you want the keeper to take the majority of edges, but realistically close fielders should only be taking the ones that balloon up, or that come straight to them. Not running half way down the pitch to catch it 1cm off the ground.

In saying that, it does look pretty incredible so far the progress made. Thanks to the testers, official and unofficial.

On a side note, I remember EA Sports Cricket 96, the best exploit was to stack the fielders in around the bat and bowl bouncers, then constantly mash the 'dive' button for the fielders and inevitably one of the close fielders would dive on to the pitch and catch the defensive shot... we've come a long way, baby

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