Steam update for DBC17 released

Think you missed my point a little bit, I mean I'm all for genuine looking run Outs where you have executed a throw perfectly and ran them out while trying to pinch a single etc.
I don't think I missed your point, I think you didn't illustrate it well. I don't pretend that I don't do that myself from time to time, we all do. Within your point you stated that you could live with no run outs. I have to take you literally, as we're using text, we need to say what we mean.

But I don't want it to get to the case where like in the last game it's just not remotely realistic. I'd say 3 a test is quite high, I'd be interested to see what the stats actually are.
I agree that we don't want to get to a case where it's not remotely realistic. Although that conflicts with your statement that you could live with no run outs. I said 2 to 3 run outs a test. That is not unrealistic, although like most people trying to assert their point you took the higher side of my figure, of course. There have been at least 34 times in real tests where there has been 3 run outs in an innings. Twice there have been four in an innings. I have no interest in promoting any such extremes. I think 2-3 run outs in 35-40 wickets in a test is quite believable, although 1-2 would be more common for sure.

My point was is an awkward balance. You don't want the AI to start getting run out 5-6 times.
Luckily I agree, I don't want an awkward balance at all. No I do not want the AI getting run out 5-6 times in a whole test, even though this has happened in rare occasions in real life, it's way too over-balanced for a video game which wouldn't well portray the wild variables of real life very realistically.

3 in a Test does feel quite high. It should at at least feel like it is possible.
Don't worry. WealeyH was just taking the high end of my estimate of 2-3 (what I thought should be possible), not what I was saying should happen. In real life it's not highly unusual for 4 innings, it's just something that does happen from time to time. 2 in a test (like I said) is common enough. Sure 1 is probably the most common if we looked into it far enough.
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I have not watched the stream so I cannot comment about the other wickets.

But as far as bat pads are concerned, for now we can avoid those by the method I have mentioned a few times already.

And this is not a solution by any means. I have provided enough info for the devs to find the true solution.

Until the issue is solved, it's a workaround which we can use to achieve realistic results.
Ok. I'll bowl with with South Africa and use no silly mid ons or mid wickets and see what happens.

Twitch I'm on now.
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I don't think I missed your point, I think you didn't illustrate it well. I don't pretend that I don't do that myself from time to time, we all do. Within your point you stated that you could live with no run outs. I have to take you literally, as we're using text, we need to say what we mean.

I agree that we don't want to get to a case where it's not remotely realistic. Although that conflicts with your statement that you could live with no run outs. I said 2 to 3 run outs a test. That is not unrealistic, although like most people trying to assert their point you took the higher side of my figure, of course. There have been at least 34 times in real tests where there has been 3 run outs in an innings. Twice there have been four in an innings. I have no interest in promoting any such extremes. I think 2-3 run outs in 35-40 wickets in a test is quite believable, although 1-2 would be more common for sure.

Luckily I agree, I don't want an awkward balance at all. No I do not want the AI getting run out 5-6 times in a whole test, even though this has happened in rare occasions in real life, it's way too over-balanced for a video game which wouldn't well portray the wild variables of real life very realistically.

Don't worry. WealeyH was just taking the high end of my estimate of 2-3 (what I thought should be possible), not what I was saying should happen. In real life it's not highly unusual for 4 innings, it's just something that does happen from time to time. 2 in a test (like I said) is common enough. Sure 1 is probably the most common if we looked into it far enough.

All I meant was I'm not fussed about run outs. But obviously I appreciate others are.

I think it may just be hard to balance.

More to the point, I have had run outs in the game anyway.
Ok. I'll bowl with with South Africa and use no silly mid ons or mid wickets and see what happens.

Twitch I'm on now.

I started watching and the first thing I notice is the top-order batsmen not running when the ball is played to deep fine leg. This is is the issue we are trying to raise when asking for more aggressive running. I think run-outs, or at least the possibility of one, will follow from that.
Ok heres my theory. The AI will attack gaps in the field. Hence why I always have a pretty attacking field, but one that is realistic to test cricket.

The main region in your field to attack is through midwicket as you pretty much have the offside closed off. Hence your proportion of mid wicked hacks/on drives are going to be quite high!

Mate , he only has (2) fielders on the Off Side in front of Square .

I wouldnt call that "Offside closed off" by a long stretch.

I understand what you want to explain , but thats defnitly not a closed off side field . I would love to have such a field when we play our Pro20`s , BIG Gaps to hit in the cover region.
Mate , he only has (2) fielders on the Off Side in front of Square .

I wouldnt call that "Offside closed off" by a long stretch.

I understand what you want to explain , but thats defnitly not a closed off side field . I would love to have such a field when we play our Pro20`s , BIG Gaps to hit in the cover region.

Agreed, I was at work and only saw the one picture!
@blockerdave @WealeyH

Please post your scorecards and save us from this calamity lol please help us smile again:lol
Ok. I'll bowl with with South Africa and use no silly mid ons or mid wickets and see what happens.

Twitch I'm on now.

Watching the stream and seeing AI (NZ in this case) put up another sub-par performance. AI was 148/7 off 47 overs on a pitch which looked pretty good to bat on.
I honestly don't get it. It doesn't even look like how my AI plays ha

I'm simply stating what I've seen. The only live stream of DBC 17 I've followed is @wasteyouryouth 's (twitch handle loveatfirstslip IIRC) and I've watched him bowl 5 times now and the highest total I've seen AI put up in those 5 tries is 160!!! And it's not as if he has tried anything different. He bowls like one would expect to bowl and his fields aren't cheesy either. AI simply implodes and forget about scoring 400-500 which one would expect, AI getting a total of 200 itself seems a tall ask.

So far wasteyouryouth's experience is reflected by @Spoobir as well and the scorecards he puts up are similar to what I see on the stream. AI batting does seem to be under-powered at this point with totals in the region of 500-600 missing and the best you can hope for is a middle of the road 200-300ish totals. IMO this seems eerily similar to what I face on PS4 now as the AI puts up a decent total when you simulate the innings but is easy to get out cheaply if you bowl against it.
I'm simply stating what I've seen. The only live stream of DBC 17 I've followed is @wasteyouryouth 's (twitch handle loveatfirstslip IIRC) and I've watched him bowl 5 times now and the highest total I've seen AI put up in those 5 tries is 160!!! And it's not as if he has tried anything different. He bowls like one would expect to bowl and his fields aren't cheesy either. AI simply implodes and forget about scoring 400-500 which one would expect, AI getting a total of 200 itself seems a tall ask.

So far wasteyouryouth's experience is reflected by @Spoobir as well and the scorecards he puts up are similar to what I see on the stream. AI batting does seem to be under-powered at this point with totals in the region of 500-600 missing and the best you can hope for is a middle of the road 200-300ish totals. IMO this seems eerily similar to what I face on PS4 now as the AI puts up a decent total when you simulate the innings but is easy to get out cheaply if you bowl against it.

I wish we could get to the bottom of it. Wealey Dutch and I have bowled tons of overs on the PC updates and if we were getting these sort of results we'd be very honest in our feedback to BA.

I've zero interest in a situation where you can't bowl against the AI because they won't put up a total. I haven't had that thankfully.

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