Build Street Cricket Simulator - Stadium, Player and Team Creator Out!

To be used when developing an addon/patch/app etc
Havent released an update yet because I am stuck in a small piece of code that I am unable to fix. I am trying to improve the bowler selection process and redo it completely. Not hiding, just working hard behind the scene and have no other updates to share.
@ShamiLoverGlipGlops eagerly waiting for the update. Please! give some update.....
Hello, I promise to have an update before the end of this month. I am almost done with bowling selection revamp. Last week I was out for work and did not get a chance to finish working on it.
Hello, I promise to have an update before the end of this month. I am almost done with bowling selection revamp. Last week I was out for work and did not get a chance to finish working on it.
Hi , I have an Idea For Bowling Selection

When We Put Player Name and All the stuff , Add Bowling Order in that Too and Team Can Use 6/7 Bowling Option
Lik Bhuvi Bowling Order 1 etc

I can Only suggest

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