Build Street Cricket Simulator - Stadium, Player and Team Creator Out!

To be used when developing an addon/patch/app etc
@ShamiLoverGlipGlops i try street cricket... It is pretty good... Easy to create teams and simulate matches... At the moment for my comfort, I like to see two things, one is bowlers selection, which is already mentioned here... Second is flexible squad size, may be we allowed to select squad size from 15 to 20 is ideal for T20 cricket...
@ShamiLoverGlipGlops i try street cricket... It is pretty good... Easy to create teams and simulate matches... At the moment for my comfort, I like to see two things, one is bowlers selection, which is already mentioned here... Second is flexible squad size, may be we allowed to select squad size from 15 to 20 is ideal for T20 cricket...
Bowler selection is in works as you mentioned. Thank you. 20 squad size is easy. I can allow that pretty easily. When I am comfortable with the bowler selection which is complete but I am not 100% happy with it, I will also release the updated squad size.
May be you can try CWsim kind of bowler selection method... Allow/gave option to mark bowler to bowl particular overs before match simulation...
This is exactly what I have worked on. Here is the flow so far
  1. Player selects two teams
  2. Player select the XI
  3. Out of the XI, the simulator displays all eligible bowlers
    1. Player out of the eligible bowlers selects who bowls what overs. Easy for T20 but will be cumbersome for ODI's (not my focus though).
    2. There is also an auto bowler select functionality that will select the bowlers for you automatically.

Does this sound on right track? I think I want to do something better like mark Jasprit Bumrah to bowl 1,3 overs and 18-20. Instead of selecting him for 1, 3, 18, 20.
Does this sound on right track? I think I want to do something better like mark Jasprit Bumrah to bowl 1,3 overs and 18-20. Instead of selecting him for 1, 3, 18, 20.
By this method, can we choose bowlers to have odd numbers spell? Like 1 or 3 overs?... Or we should choose bowlers bowl only 2 or 4 overs spells?...
By this method, can we choose bowlers to have odd numbers spell? Like 1 or 3 overs?... Or we should choose bowlers bowl only 2 or 4 overs spells?...
Any number as long as its under the allocated quota. So if you know this is a batting paradise, you have enough bowlers, you need one over from Virat Kohli, set that. Surprise the opposition lol!
@ShamiLoverGlipGlops what is minimum rating for bowling and batting?... can we give zero to them or it should be start from one?...
0. I think I default them to 0 if no body puts in a value. I can confirm later today when I go home from work.
Small Update which is Big

  1. Introducing AI Ball Outcome
    1. Thanks to @Manish. for the motivation, finally completed something I have been wanting to do for a long time, introduce machine learning. So the last few weeks, I found a really great website that has stats for all T20 international teams team by team. I scrapped all the data and started training my modal. I am using GradientBoostingRegressor.
    2. Based on the data I had, I first rated all players based on their stats (bowling + fielding + batting). I added in ground conditions and sky conditions and used that to create an impact for the delivery.
    3. Now based on batting rating, bowling rating and impact due to ground and sky, I ran tests on 485,000 different probabilities. I have an accuracy of 61%.
    4. I am going to rework the simulation engine as version 2 to determine the ball output based on this new AI outcome.
    5. The original version will stay intact but no new changes or future updates will be performed.
    6. I have already hosted this API on AWS. Only part remaining is integrating it into version 2 code base on the simulator website.
  2. Increased Rating System
    1. In order for AI to work, you will now be able to create your teams and rate players from 0-100. It only accepted 0-10 previoulsy.
  3. Some minor bug fixes
  4. Some minor UI adjustment.

The version 2.0 is already in works with bowler selection part of it. Please hang tight and updates will soon fly.

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