Build Street Cricket Simulator - Stadium, Player and Team Creator Out!

To be used when developing an addon/patch/app etc

  1. Introducing Pitch Types
    1. Narrow Alleyway: The pitch is as tight as the narrow gully lanes, causing the ball to race away. Expect a high-scoring match.
    2. Pot-Hole Plaza: Batsmen have to dodge the pitch's "pot-holes" to survive the deliveries. Anticipate a low-scoring battle.
    3. Streetcorner Spin: The pitch turns like a street corner, surprising batsmen with every spin. A low-scoring tussle could be on the cards.
    4. Wall Graffiti Greens: The green surface resembles gully wall graffiti, making for an adventurous match. This could lead to a high-scoring affair.
    5. Broken Tile Turf: The pitch is as unpredictable as broken tiles, causing the ball to bounce erratically. Expect a mix of both high and low scores.
    6. Rooftop Rampage: The pitch is like playing on a rooftop, with the ball flying to the boundaries. Brace for a high-scoring showdown.
    7. Auto Rickshaw Runway: The pitch acts as a runway for the ball, mimicking an auto rickshaw ride. The likelihood of a high-scoring game is strong.
    8. Chai Stall Churn: The pitch spins like the stirring of chai at a local stall, spinning batsmen out. A low-scoring spectacle might unfold.
    9. Bicycle Lane Boundaries: Boundaries come quick and fast, resembling the pace of bicycles on narrow lanes. Be prepared for a high-scoring match.
    10. Thindi Street Sixes: The pitch lets you hit "thindi" (snacks) style sixes, sending the ball flying. Expect a flurry of high-scoring hits.
  2. Modified the simulation engine to account for pitch types and simulate match accordingly.
  3. Added in logic so simulation now rotates strike. Previously I had intended to let one batsman bat through, now they rotate strike.
    1. Added in logic that once a batsman is out, the last remaining batsman can keep batting until end of over or is out whatever comes first.
    2. This would completely mimick Gully Cricket rules.
  4. Made some adjustments to Simulation UI and made it more user friendly.
    1. Added Pitch Types
    2. Simplified Match Summary
    3. Reduced size of bar graphs


Simulated a game on Rooftop Rampage. Loved the result. I played a 10 over game. This is what Save as PNG exports.

Is there any difference except in name for pitches with similar types? Eg pothole plaza and streetcomer spin
Is there any difference except in name for pitches with similar types? Eg pothole plaza and streetcomer spin
Yes, today I am working on how it affects batsman and bowling ratings.

Anything else should I consider?
Do they shout All reals so everyone knows it's not trial?
The one who owns bat gets to bat first right?
Plus if he gets out fast he takes the bat home abandoning match?
Those are some of the things I have thought about implementing. Specially the trial will be part of it.

Updated simulation with following logic.

  1. Finding the Batsman's Average:
    • We first find out how well the batsman usually plays by looking at their past scores.
  2. How Likely Is the Batsman to Score?:
    • We guess how well the batsman might play today based on their past performances and their current form.
    • This guess is then adjusted based on the pitch. Some pitches are easier to bat on than others.
  3. Other Factors:
    • We consider the skill of the bowler. A good bowler makes it harder for the batsman to score.
    • If the batsman has been playing for a long time in the match, they might get tired, which can affect their performance.
  4. Deciding Runs on the Ball:
    • Using all the information, we then randomly decide if the batsman scores 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, or 6 runs on the next ball.
  • Implemented 1 in 10 chance for first ball being called as Trial ball by batsman or bowler.
  • Improved chasing simulation based on required run rate and runs remaining.

With this, I think I am done with Phase 1. I am going to test out things thoroughly before I start working on Phase 2.

Final Screenshots Phase 1





Home Page


Team Creation




Match Setup




Settings Theme Changer


All the above is mobile friendly and from Settings, has a dark mode.
  • Added in option to enter # of players based on Format Type (Gully, Quick5, T10)
  • Modified Team Management to show type of format for the team.



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