AMA Sure, what the hell.. Ask me (VC the slogger)

Worst part about the lockdown for you?

Not being able to go places - either the gym, my boxing/MMA class, my favorite club, or even just for a casual walk around the streets like I used to earlier.

Most memorable Cricket match?

The 2019 World Cup final definitely. But also the famous 434-438 match between South Africa and Australia back in 2006 which was one of the most memorable moments of my childhood.

What sports do you follow other than Cricket?

A little bit of football every now and then whenever there's a World Cup looming.

Worst and best score/grade in an exam/class test?

I honestly can't even remember, but I definitely wasn't any good at math.. Unlike some of you people, my high school days are something I would much rather forget.

If you are forced to move to another country, which one would it be and why?

Nah, I'm good where I'm at..

What would your ideal breakfast look like?

4 whole eggs, 1 bowl of cereal (normally oats with curd) and 2 bananas.

Favourite Movie?

Lord of the Rings/Django Unchained/MCU/The Dark Knight/Inglorious Bastards.. I don't have any one favorite as such.
Which song motivates you the most when you hear it?

Ah, there's so damn many.. But these are my top five I guess..

Who is your favourite music artist? Why him/her?

Again, no favorites.. I appreciate all of Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley, Frank Sinatra, Eminem, Backstreet Boys, even a bit of Justin Bieber.

What would be the first change you would make in the cricket world, if you became BCCI ICC head?

To actually put the 'World' in the World Cup rather than making it just another glorified version of the Champions Trophy with just 10 teams. There ought to be 24 at the very least in my opinion.

Action / Horror / Rom-Com?

Anything but Rom-Com.. Horror is probably my favorite genre, followed by periodical dramas and regular comedies.

Which languages do you know other than English?

I speak Hindi and Bengali quite fluently. A little shite at the writing and reading part though, mostly due to a lack of practice.
I definitely wasn't any good at math.
Same here. No matter how much hard I work on my maths skills, the results hardly make a difference.

By the way, I can't forget my 0.5 marks out of 20 in a maths class test :facepalm
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Somewhere in the mountains hopefully. As long as it's big enough to fit in all my family with a couple of spare rooms for sleepovers, a small garden of sorts and a proper sized home gym with all the necessary equipment - I think I'm good.

Nothing more extreme than Boxing/MMA just yet. But definitely want to try my hand at skiing and rock climbing some day, if not anything else.

Yep, been three or four times already - kinda the person my companions turn to when there's need for action. But it still needs some getting used to.

No, although I did have this rather annoying habit of biting the bottom part of pens and pencils at times. I don't know how or why, but I thankfully got out of that too.
My cousin is a MMA instructor, he's pretty good, he's also a doorman in a club, no one messes on his shift! :D
When are you gonna post the LAB final? :p
Meeting my black labrador after three months away during lockdown, by far the longest I've ever been away from him. I've had a few 'achievements' and the odd moments of glory, but it's the simple things in life one has to live for.
I love labradors, such a gentle breed, we had one when we were kids, parents insisted she slept in her bed in the hall, but she'd leg it up the stairs and sleep on one of our beds instead! :p
I love labradors, such a gentle breed, we had one when we were kids, parents insisted she slept in her bed in the hall, but she'd leg it up the stairs and sleep on one of our beds instead! :p

Sadly he has since passed away at the age of 10. Yeah, my dog too would sleep on my bed..
Are you single or in a relationship or married?
Describe your user title, "I'm different". Different means in what way?

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