TAOC Discussion

Ya... Up-to-date kits of major companies. And rosters might be a bit out-dated (speculative)... But you can change them through patches released frequently...
Niceeee I Really Can't Wait For This. I Think If You Were To Sell The Game Then You Could Use The Funds For Something Like Online Play Or Developing The Game.
Hi Paul...

I don't know whether anyone has asked you about this... Is there any possibility of inclusion of a self-learning adaptive AI, which would learn from its mistakes (and of course feast on the opponent's) with the use of Genetic Algorithms... As an example, Ponting is being taunted by some one like Ishant Sharma with great deliveries close to the off-stump. In the next match, Ponting speculates where Ishant is gonna bowl to him. He does his homework in the nets and plays shots more easily... But this adaptable feature would depend on the class of the batsman and will not work with everybody... I'm sure such a feature would result in an excellent AI...

In case, if it isn't possible to accommodate such a feature in this version, would that be implemented in the future versions???


PS : I've heard that genetic algos are computationally intensive!!! :(
What normally happens is individual CPU intensive algorithms are substituted with pseudo intelligence.

For example, a football game may not have full intelligence for every individual on the pitch as there are too many things to consider for all 22 players, so the players might be grouped and they have intelligence as a group.

I'm not saying this is how it is definitely done, but it is likely.

A better example would be in EA's Rugby games. The players in the defence do not have individual intelligence in terms of assessing the situation of the game, but the players act in a group (the defensive line) and the group has one intelligence, rather than 15.

In a cricket game however, for the most important part of the game (batting and bowling) it's 1 player versus 1 player. Not only that but what can happen is quite limited (the ball bounces in a certain place, will reach batsman at certain height, so certain shot is played by AI).

It becomes more difficult with things like fielding, where there are many people involved. How does each fielder know whether or not to chase the ball, make a dive, etc.? You can't base it on who is nearest, as delays will appear for outfielders if the ball is hit past a close fielder.

I don't know how I got onto this but it seemed quite interesting at the time.

Back to Srinath's question - the sort of thing you're talking about does not have to be real intelligence per se, in that the players don't have to 'remember' what happened. All you can really do is give the players what information you have to go on (i.e. scorecards, etc.) so you can do things like give players extra confidence in a second innings if they scored well in the first innings (a very short-term 'form' or 'morale' stat), or change a batsman's form over a series.

Anyway, I'm babbling. Hope that didn't bore everyone to tears, and that I wasn't stating the obvious.
You cant talk, your not showing much respect now. If you read my post i was respecting Chesnuts post saying i didnt get bored of it.

The way you replied to KX's post was like a taunting rather than giving respect . If you can't give respect to others, you should not wish to get some
You neg rep me saying I have no respect, what about respect for KX. But yes I don't respect you. Why should I with posts like that :rolleyes:

It wasnt meant to be how you make out i just thought he was proud of something you shouldnt be proud of. :( Im sorry if i upset anyone, apart from Highlander.

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