TAOC Discussion

ya LM probaly will post the video tommrow or tonight not sure but he might be busy so no clue
LM, recently Harrypotterfan, made an automatic roster update through cricinfo, for the stats etc, you might want to talk to him about it because it will help out the "players" part of this awsume game
LM mate where are you any news on the game and dont worry if havent made the video just wanted to hear from you whats going on thats all
hey......in mumbai since the last 10 days doing research in the field of my interest !!!
days are just flying by...

will return to my place soon and hopefully will try to get some work done asap !!

really irritating not to be working on the game.....but have to get my
priorities right and unfortunately, TAOC comes after my career :(

am back home after a gruelling trip of mumbai.........!!
good news is that am narrowing down my career prospects and
will come to a calculated conclusion soon....

i guess i have about 1 whole month of free time to work on TAOC :D
so, will start work on the gadaffi stadium lahore asap....but need to
get hold of 3ds MAX again.....a bit rusty after not working for so long......

and about LM.....well....hes still alive :p and working on the fielding......
hes encountering some bugs on the way and is dealing with it...
if everything goes according to the plan, then we might have a full
fledged video by the 1st week of june :)

cheers and keep the support going.......:cheers


am back home after a gruelling trip of mumbai.........!!
good news is that am narrowing down my career prospects and
will come to a calculated conclusion soon....

i guess i have about 1 whole month of free time to work on TAOC :D
so, will start work on the gadaffi stadium lahore asap....but need to
get hold of 3ds MAX again.....a bit rusty after not working for so long......

and about LM.....well....hes still alive :p and working on the fielding......
hes encountering some bugs on the way and is dealing with it...
if everything goes according to the plan, then we might have a full
fledged video by the 1st week of june :)

cheers and keep the support going.......


hi mate thanks a lot for the update :cheers

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